Angststststststststststststststststststststststststy oneshot

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There's blood and character death btw so trigger warning

Chosen sticked with his firepowes for a reason. That reason being when he went all out, he would sometimes discover new powers he didn't know he had before. Which meant he could control them as easily. But he needed to give it his all in this fight. Dark had to be stopped. But he didn't mean to end the battle like this. "ENOUGH!" Chosen yelled as he threw whatever spike thing came out of his hand at Dark. Whatever it was it hit Dark. Chosen looked at Dark in horror.

How could your face not go white when your sister has a hole in her chest?

Chosen wasn't that good at teleporting, but he teleported to Dark and wrapped his arms around her just before she hit the ground. He sat down and held Dark close to him. "Dark! I... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" "Heh...! I... knew you had in ya...!" Dark whimpered with a sad smile on her face. "Wha..." "I... I knew ya could... defeat me...!" Dark coughed. "I-I didn't mean to end like this! Please don't leave me!" Chosen pleaded. Dark weakly placed her hand on Chosen's face. "It's  o k . . ." Dark said losing her breath.

" I . . .  I  .  .  .   i   .   .   ."

Chosen tears fell on the lifeless remains of Dark. What had he done? What had he done? Dark was a hazard at times, but she was his sister. She may have been to stubborn to look up how to take care of him, but she did when he was hurt or sick. She was always looking out for Chosen, but she never looked out for herself. And now, she's gone. By Chosen's own hands.

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