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It's been three days since I've officially decided to move on, but I haven't done anything different to what I usually do. I go to work, and leave just when Louis starts his shift, go home to find it empty, get a phone call from Harry asking if everything is fine, then eat something, get my beauty sleep, go to the gym, and go back home to find Harry spread all over the sofa, have dinner with him, and go to sleep.
Harry has been quite different. He acts in a more comfortable way around me; he is actually working, I still don't know where, but he is. I haven't heard from Niall, nor Zayn nor Skylar, and I'm not looking foward to hearing from them any sooner, because we are not even friends. It's scary to think my only friend is actually Harry.

I step out of the gym and suddenly I hear someone calling my name.

"Melissa!" I turn to find a fit, brown haired boy with brown eyes looking at me and holding something. My wallet."I thought you were going to need this." He says with a soft smile. His hair is wet and he is wearing dark jeans with a black opened hoddie and a white tshirt under it, and he has a backpack on his left shoulder.

"Never got your name." I tease grabbing my wallet and he chuckles.

"I'm Chuck." He reaches out his hand and softly shakes mine. "And you're Melissa, I saw your ID." He winks and I blush.

"I look awful in my ID." I laugh looking at the ground and I hear Chuck laughing along.

"Everyone looks awful, but at least when people see you in real life, it gets 822984 times better." Chuck says with a huge smile printed on his face. "I'm new in the city, and I don't have that many friends, so we should go out someday to eat or something..."

"Yeah, that would be fun." I cut him off when I see a car parking behind him. A tall figure steps out of the car and I mentally roll my eyes. "I have to go Chuck. See you around?"

"Hope so." He smiles and waves while I make my way towards Harry. He looks at me arching a brow and I shrug.


"Nothing?" He says with a cold expression.

"What are you doing here?" I say looking around, but Harry ignores me completely and climbs into the car. I sigh and do the same, putting my gym bag on my lap. "So?" I say and Harry fidgets on his seat.

"I thought it would be a nice gesture to come and pick you up instead of you finding my lazy ass on the sofa." He says rubbing his chin and looking to the front.

"Oh... It is but you didn't have to." I mumble and Harry snorts.

"Yeah, I wouldn't have come if I knew you had plans with... What's his name?" He says laughing bitterly.

"Harry don't even st-"

"I forgot I don't care." I cuts me off by softly slapping his forehead. "Silly me." He shrugs starting the car.


I follow Harry inside of the apartment but just when I finish locking the front door I hear him closing his bedroom's door. I patiently wait for him to come out, but he never does, so instead of waiting out of his room, tapping the floor with my sneakers, I grab his door's knob and step inside. My jaw drops when I find Harry standing by the window, without tshirt and with a pair of sweatpants. The sweatpants' waistband is pretty low, and I can firmly say that Harry is not wearing boxers.

He doesn't acknowledge my presence, and crosses his arms, stretching his back muscles. His tattoos move when he makes little movements, and I can say the view is great. My eyes go down and down his body until his voice snaps me out of my trance.

"Did you need anything?" He asks in a dry tone, his arms still closed.

"Uhm? Uh yes. I want to talk." I say swallowing and Harry rolls his eyes. He sits on the edge of the bed and taps the spot next to him. I quickly sit, and stay in silence. He wants me to speak, but it looks like if I had forgotten why did I come here in first the place.

"Melissa?" He says in his low raspy tone and I smile nervously.

"Why are you mad? I mean, we are friends." I blurt out and he arches a brow. "I'm not implying you have feelings for me because I know you don't."

"Yeah, I don't. I could never have feelings for you." He shrugs. His answer takes me off guard and I look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What was the question again?"

"You know what, forget it." I say with a soft smile, and stand up. Harry grabs my wrist softly but I jerk away.

"I'm not mad, I don't have reasons to be." For a second, I thought there was a possibility that he was a bit jealous, but for what he said, he will never be.

I smile and shrug. "Good to know." I turn around and I hear Harry groaning.
"Meeelisaaa," he groans grabbing my wrist tightly. "Why are you mad at me, what have I done?" He asks with confusion in his eyes. His electric green eyes lock with mine, and it's like if they were burning me inside. Harry licks his pink lips and I look to the ground.

I can't do this.

I don't want to feel this way, to focus on little details about him. I don't want to start falling, if I know there won't be anyone down there to help me stand up.

"Nothing, you've done nothing." I smile and softly get rid of his grip. I step out of his room with all the dignity I have left after all I've been through, and step into my room. I quickly change into my pajama and curl up in the bed.

Maybe there's something wrong with me and that's why I'm alone. Maybe I deserve to be alone because maybe I am the selfish one here. I want to have Harry, to own him, but he's a free spirit, and a party animal, and he won't let anyone own him. He likes being alone, or that's what it looks like.
After a few seconds I feel warm tears running down my cheeks. I don't know why I am this way, why everyone seems to stay away from me.

I hear soft knocks in my door and wipe my tears as fast as I can. Harry opens the door and stares at me.

"I was waiting for the 'who's there' part..." He pouts and I chuckle softly.

"Wait. Shit. Are you crying?" He says almost running towards me.
I shake my head and bury my face in the pillow. He smiles removing a lock of hair from my face. "Your cheeks don't say the same..." I keep quiet and I hear Harry sigh. "Move." He says and I look up, his eyes meet mine. I move a little bit and he lays down next to me wrapping his strong arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. "I'm sorry for what I said. I just meant that you're a precious friend, and I don't want to do anything to ruin it. I guess we both needed someone." He mumbles in my hear before falling sleep.

I turn the lights off as Harry smooth snores fill the room.

I guess I'm now stuck in the frienzone.
Sorry for the late update. I'm all busy with exams plus my phone stopped working last week and since I don't have a computer nor laptop in my new house I can only write with a phone so yeah im so so sorry.
This was also a short update but I have great news: I'll be updating again later this week, after my first exam which is on wednesday.
I didn't edit this so if you find a typo im sorry.

Protect you.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora