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I wake up to the sound of Harry snoring. His snores are soft and low, but they won't really let me sleep. I groan and roll over. His arms aren't around my waist; they are around his pillow. His cheeks are flushed and his hair is really messy. I haven't realised how long is it till now. But I guess his life motto is 'long hair, don't care.'

I climb off the bed and head to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and then head to my room again, with only a tower around my bare body. When I step in I find Harry still asleep. I forgot he was there. I grab a few things and quickly disappear so that he can't see me change into my clothes. He's still asleep, and curled up in a ball.

When I step out of the bathroom, I decide to go and wake Harry up, since it's 10AM.

I knee in front of his face and poke his dimples.

"Hello, Earth to Harry." I softly say and he groans. "Come on, you stink." I tease and he opens his eyes slowly, staring into mine. He stays in silence and bits back his grin.

"It's Sunday, why did you wake me up?" He mumbles still looking right into my eyes and I shrug. "You have plans for us today?"

"There's no us." I say arching a brow and he smirks.

"'Us' as in friends." He points out and I fake smile.

"I know and I don't have plans." I say standing up and he does the same.

"I'm going to take a shower." He says looking away and leaving my room.

I go to the kitchen and drink some coffee. Minutes later Harry steps out, with skinny black jeans, a black t-shirt and black boots. He has his phone pressed against his ear and he has a serious expression.

"Sure, I will." He mumbles when he catches me looking at him. "I have to go... To work."

"But it's Sunday?" I say confused and he rubs his chin.

"I won't be gona for long, so yeah." He mutters grabbing his car keys and opening the door. I see as his body disappears behind the door, and let my body fall into the couch. I have nothing to do today. No work, no friends. Nothing.

I swich on the TV, and put some cheesy film and remember that it actually sucks to be alone. Sundays are made to be spent with your friends, partner, family, and not to be spent alone, watching a cheesy film and thinking about chocolate and ice cream. It's 10.30AM, so there's nothing that amazing to do. I look around the apartment looking for something to waste my time, but I find nothing. I close my eyes and fall asleep, since there's no one snoring beside me. I find peace.

I open my eyes when I hear my phone ringing, and I lazily move my arm, and grab it. When I look at the screen I see an unknown number calling. I don't answer and just put the phone down. I honestly hate when people call me with a hidden number; if they want anything they will call with their number. A few minutes later I hear a loud knock on the door. I gasp and look around. It's 11.30am and Harry is not back yet, and he never knocks. I quickly stand up ad tiptoe around the house.

"It's Louisssss." I hear Louis chanting from behind the door. "Open, Melissa, is important." I slightly open the door and peer outside.

"Hi." I mumble and he smiles.

"I was wondering if you would like to join me in my house. It's across the street and it would be fun, to have company." I tilt my head, one hand against the doorway and and the other one grabbing the door. I look behind me and then back at Louis.

"I could use a friend now." I shrug, grabbing the keys and closing the door behind me. "Harry is going to be so pissed off." I chuckle and he laughs along.

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