Chapter 2

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I gotta pee, I gotta pee, I gotta pee-

Much better.

I hate using the bathrooms at school. I hate to be vain, but I can’t help look at myself in the mirror. Not so bad for a girl whose been molested twice. I actually look…normal.

The Elite girls of my school walk in. Hailey, my brothers malicious girlfriend, Leah, my ex-best friend, and Elisa, whose just another bitch in my book. They all surround me, making my stomach quench. To be honest, I’m surprised that the other three aren’t here-Ayla, Ivy, and Miami.

I hear a click, and turn to see Ayla and Ivy, standing by the door, blocking the path. Ok…at least Miami isn’t here.

“Why, hello, Addison,” Hailey sneers, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She yanks my hair back, and then pushes me, making me fly into the nearest wall. “Cut your hair, didn’t ya?” I’m gasping.

“Such a shame. If you had told us, we would’ve been generous and given you one for free,” Elisa purrs. “However, since you’re a slut, we didn’t. Leah, what did the boys say again?”

Leah, my best friend since Gr. 2, Leah, the first one to get my period, and Leah, the girl who abandoned me because she didn’t believe me about the rape, pulls me up by my shirt collar, only to shove me against another wall. By the end of this torture, I will be best friends with these walls, I swear. “Well, Lis, our boyfriends told us that you asked for it that night.” Kick. “You begged them to hold you down in their drunken stupor and screw you.” Punch. “Lusting after our boyfriends, Addison? What a slutty thing to do.”


Hailey snickers. “Oh, but she did girls. I mean, she used her own brother for sex. What a whore. Not even her own mother believes her.” The girls agree. “We should teach her a lesson. Right girls?”

Every blow, slap, kick, punch and shove, I thought about that diamond. I was officially broken. My soul was lost.

I wanted to die.

The paramedics came fifty five minutes later.

Darren, Jonesy, Leo, Jerome, Matthew, and Zachary drag my wet body out of the shower, and throw me on my bed. I try to run, but someone closes the door. I’m trapped. I’m alone. Alone with six drunk assholes, and one of them happens to be my brother. Darren and Jonesy grab my arms, and hold me down. “STOP IT! LET ME GO!”

“Who’s going first?” Leo slurs. His fingers run along the inside of my thigh. I’m screaming, I’m crying, I’m praying to God that this will end soon.

“You know what?” Darren smiles dangerously, “I’ll do the honours.”

Everyone gets a turn, throwing me around like a ragdoll. Every time I escape, they slam my head against a wall, punch, slap, or pinch me. Then they start the whole thing over again. And again, and again. Torture at its finest. I wanted to die. I wanted to…

I wanted God to take me now…


Why is the earth shaking? I can see Darren leaving the room. His eyes are deadly. God, please let me…


I wake up, startled, and in excruciating pain. Everywhere hurts, both on the inside and out.

Blinking a couple times, I can see Aunt Tris and Granny on either side of me.

“Hey,” I mumble, my mouth hurting from saying that, “I want some painkillers, and I want a lot.”

“Soon,” Granny breathes, and soothes out my hair.

“Addison, they had this all planned out,” Aunt Tris starts. “And because of how much money is in their parent’s wallets, they get away with detentions. Detentions.”

The doctor walks in, stopping Aunt Tris’ rant, and clearly surprised that I’m awake. “Addison, I’m glad you’re up.”

“How long was I down?” I murmur.

The doctor chuckles at my sad attempt of a joke. “Two days.”

I sigh, thinking about the homework load already. “Nice to know.”

He updates me on my condition, making me aware that I’ll have to walk with crutches for a couple of weeks, and then pauses with a sigh.

“Is there a problem?” My grandmother asks her voice taut and filled with worry.”

Another sigh. “Taking into consideration Addison’s past with her brother and his friends…I hate to be the bearer of this news, but Addison is-”

Don’t say it, I silently beg.


Great, just great.

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