Chapter 12

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When Addie called me to ask me if I could have dinner with her father, of course, I said yes. What I didn’t anticipate to happen was having a huge family dinner, because that’s exactly what happen. A three people turned into eight, and that is why my best friend, Mark, and my mom, sister and I wait for Addison to answer the door. Or someone, because no one likes waiting in the cold Canadian weather.

A tall man, with dark hair and piercing grey eyes answers the door. “Hello, you must be Sawyer. I’m Addison’s dad. Please, come in.”

We step inside, and shake hands with Mr. Coleman. Tris and Devon comes into the foyer to greet us (well my family, not me) and Mr. Coleman looks at me. “So, Sawyer, Addison tells me that you’re in your second year of university.”

“Yes, sir.”

“What program are you interested in?”

“I’m currently studying Medical Sciences, sir.”

“Doctor, eh?”

“Surgeon, actually.”

He gives me the once over, and I can’t help but notice Addison resembles him a lot. I’m thinking he’s about to forbid me from seeing Addison again (not like that would stop me) but he surprises me by dropping the tough as nails look and smiles. “You make her happy, Mr. Johanson, which makes me happy, considering that’s she’s been through so much, and still has a lot of bumpy roads ahead. So, if you hurt her, and I find out, because I will, it won’t be nice on your behalf. Am I understood?”

I smile back at him. “Quite understood, sir.”

“Please, don’t call me that. Makes me feel older than I am.” He turns and calls for Addie. “Addison! You’re boyfriend is here!”

Addison and Jo (I’m not surprised, they go everywhere together) come down the stairs, laughing.

Addison walks past her father and gives me a kiss on the cheeks. What is she trying to do, be subtle? I kiss her on the lips, not caring who is watching, inhaling her scent and caressing her cheek. Now that is what I call a welcome kiss. When we pull away, she’s blushing, her face cherry red. “Hey Addie.”

“You are so going to pay for this later.” she mumbles, making me chuckle.

We all walk into the kitchen, and I while looking at the food, something has caused Addison to stop walking. Her hand is on her chest, and her face is no longer red from embarrassment, but pale from fear, causing me to panic. “Addie?”

She ignores me, and I follow her gaze. “Miami?”


“So it was you who saved me, then. You were the one who paid Jo to push me into your brother’s car to save me. Why?” I ask Miami, still shocked that it’s her that wanted me protected. From her own friend. I guess in a way, it makes sense, as I recall our elevator talk a couple months ago.

Miami looks at me. “It wasn’t right, and I told you, I believe, since day one, that you were telling the truth. It was also me, who called the police for you on the first day of school. If I didn’t, you would’ve been dead, Addison. My guilt eats at me every single day. Don’t ask me why I still hang out with them, because I won’t give you an honest answer. Just know, that everything I did, I did it for you.”

I can’t say anything. Now is not appropriate for this discussion, especially when nobody knows what the hell is going on. I nod, and smile. “Well, thanks for coming.”

“Can we eat now, or is drama hour over?” Mark asks, and I roll my eyes at him.

After we pray, we dig in. There’s so much happening right now, I don’t want to think about Miami’s little confession. Not that I need a protector, but exactly how far will she go to keep me safe?

Dear Baby,

What was meant to be a small dinner...a dinner I didn’t even want to have, did have a good outcome, despite the shock of Miami being Sawyer’s brother. Dad left this morning, and I wished him all the best on the job promotion. I try my best not to be selfish, because if I was selfish, I would’ve told him not to leave, but I’m going to make it. I will make it.

“Ms. Coleman,” my guidance counselor, Ms. Brooks, calls me. I know this meeting is going to be completely useless; I don’t need teachers prying into my somewhat personal business. In the three years that I’ve been attending this high school, I’ve never asked for a guidance appointment. Never. I guess being pregnant gives the guidance counselors to get a jump-start to their job.

I walk into her clean and tidy office, and sit down. My feet hurt and the baby has finally decided that it’s happy hour, so she is going to kick and kick and ki-

“Addison, how are you today?” she asks me, and I start to wonder if she wants the truthfully answer, which is that I’m hungry, my feet hurt, I’m in pain, and my back is so stiff. Instead, I give her a brief smile. “Good, although I rather be studying for my chemistry test.”

She sits down, smoothens out her skirt, and starts playing with her pencil. “I wish you all the best on your test, but this conversation cannot wait, Ms. Coleman.”

“This has something to do with the fact that I’m pregnant, right?”

She sighs. “Yes. Your due date is in January, correct?”

“Third week.”

“What are you’re plans for school? Having a baby is a big responsibility.”

“With all due respect, Ms. Brooks, I have been through hell and back and then tossed back in again. I know a baby is a lot of responsibility, but I can do it, because I have to. I’m not going to give up now. I can’t. I will be able to manage, don’t worry. I will graduate, I will go to prom, and I will be happy. And then all my haters could shove it up their asses.” I give a tight lip smile. “Thank-you for your concern, but it really isn’t necessary.” I stand up to leave.

“Addison, wait.” I sit back down. She pulls out a small envelope, but it looks like its stuffed. She hands it to me. “I know you don’t want you to think that we have pity for you, and don’t even bother saying you can’t take it. We collected as much as we could. You’re a strong girl, Addison. We wish you all the best.”

I take the envelope. “Thank-you. I appreciate it.”

I stand up and walk to door, but she calls out to me again. I look at her. “If not for your sake, Addison, we certainly hope that for your child, that you will press charges.”

I nod, pretending to take it into consider. 

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