Chapter 4

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Dear Baby,

If you want to be updated on the Elite relationships at my school, you should know that my brother is dating Hailey, Miami is with Darren, theres Leah and Jerome, Ayla and Leo,  and lastly, Elisa and Matthew.

Oh, I’m single, if you were wondering. I prefer the boys in the book, thank-you very much.


Granny is making bacon, I think to spite me, making me hop on one leg all the way to the bathroom to let it all up.

Aunt Tris hasn’t been back since Saturday, so I’m a bit shocked to see her standing by the bathroom door, watching me embrace the toilet.

“You okay, kid? You look like you're making friends.”

My face is healing rather quickly, so the dark nasty purple looking color is now a deranged blue. At least I can talk and breathe easier. “Sure.”

“You don’t have to go to school if you don’t want to, Addie.”

I demanded on going to school today. Staying home all day can get very...lonely. And boring. besides, staying at home, half-dead, is letting them win. I snort. “Gr.12 is one the hardest years.”

“I know,” she whispers. “I was there.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you tell me that mom’s ex-boyfriend beat and raped you? You didn’t deserve it, aunt Tris. You were innocent.”

She’s quiet for a long time, and I have to look up to see if she’s still there. she sighs. “Your mother-my sister, is  not a nice person. In fact, if he wasn’t dead, she would’ve married him. i try to keep my demons locked away, because they prevent me from living, and being happy. I refuse to hold on to pain and anger.” She smiles. “Kiddo, don’t worry about me. I made it, and now I have a sexy man by my side to help me when I can’t help myself. And please,” she says with an eye roll, “call me Tris. You make me feel old when you call me Aunt Tris.”


She helps me up and gives me a hug. “Just remember what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Good luck today.”

I had a feeling that I’ll be needing it.


My biology textbook slips from my hands and lands thump on the floor. There is several ways in which I can pick it up, all of them painful, so I just stare at it. Until a freshly manicured hand picked it up. It’s Miami. “I believe you dropped this.”

No shit, Sherlock. I try to take it back, but she won’t give it to me. “Thanks for picking it up, but I can hold it now.”

She raises an eyebrow. “We have the same class, I can walk with you. No worries.”

I look at the book, then at her. “Is this another plan to kill me?”

“No,” she whispers, “I just wanted to know if you're okay.”

“Do I look okay to you?” I snarl. “What is it that you really want, Miami? The bell is going to ring in five minutes.”

“Did any of them use condoms?”

I reel back, like I’ve been slapped. Did she just ask that? Or was I hearing things? “What?”

“I think we’ll have more privacy in the elevator, don’t you think?”

In the elevator, her steel grey eyes meet mine. “Don’t tell anybody this, but I believe you. I believe that they raped you and I know Zachary is a liar, okay? I’m just worried that you’ll get pregnant-”

“You’re too late.” I hear myself say, every word laced with hatred and venom. I look at her, and soak in her beauty and confidence. She’ll never have sleepless nights from nightmares or start crying at the dinner table because its too much. She has it all, and very soon, I’ll be an oversized penguin with dark circles under my eyes who will need to go to the bathroom every five seconds. The elevator door opens, and I turn to her. “I’m already pregnant, Miami. I appreciate your concern, but at the end of the day, I’m pregnant and six boys could be the father.”

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