Chapter 19

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Holding her for the first time, its like God directly placed a piece of Heaven in my arms. Everyone, including my father, stands around, watching in awe. I have found paradise, and she's wrapped up in a blue blanket, and her small pink lips are shaped in an "o" making me smile. The pain, the tears, everything is worth it.

"Can I hold her?" Sawyer asks, and I gingerly place Reagan in his arms. I want to cry just looking at the adoration on his face, soaking in Reagan's intricate beauty.

The police already took Reagan's DNA, and there will be a match by next week. I really don't think it matters who her father is, because I will love her unconditionally, and so will the people in this room.

"She has your eyes," Dad tells me when he's holding her. I hope she has my everything. My looks, my personality. I hope-

"Stop thinking about it," Tris says softly, and I can't help but sigh. "She'll still be 100% amazing, Addie. Maybe she'll skate, just like you. Do not worry. You'll get old."

"She'll probably read too much," Miami mutters.

"Hey! I heard that!" I hiss, and we talk and joke around for a couple of minutes before everyone leaves, and only Sawyer and I are in the room, Reagan sleeping in his arms.

"You're not going to hold her all night, are you?" I smirk.

He rolls his eyes. "She's so soft and cuddly, I just might."

"Sawyer, I don't want to sound clingy, but you can't leave."

"Sweetheart, I have to go home sometime tonight."

Its my turn to roll my eyes. "Sawyer, that's not what I meant. I mean, that a couple of months ago when I stopped you to say thanks, I didn't think there would be a 'we' or an 'us.' I didn't think that there was hope, and I thought I was damned to live an unhappy life. You came along, and showed me that theres always a light in a dark room, and I'm happier than I've ever been. So please, don't leave me. Don't you ever leave me, because I love you, and my world will be crushed without you."

For a few minutes, he doesn't say anything.

He sits there, holding Reagan in his arms, and finally looks up at me. "Addison, you are my world, my everything. I can't leave you even if I tried. There's nothing in this world, not even your obnoxious psycho path mother, can make me stop loving you. I love you like the stars love the moon and like how flowers love the sunshine. I won't leave you, not today, not ten years from now, not ever. You changed me, Addison. I've seen the light, and I'm not going back to darkness."

I nod, smiling. "That was really cheesy though."

"You know you love it." He hesitates, and then clears his throat. "Addison, Reagan is going to need a father figure in her life. And I know this might seem completely insane-"

"-Yes." I interrupt, smiling like a little child on Christmas. "Yes, yes, yes."

"You don't even know what I'm going to say, Addison."

"I do. I accidentally saw the adoption papers in your backpack."

He raises an eyebrow. "How did you accidentally see it?"

Uhh... "Well. That's not the point. You want to adopt Reagan so she can be your legal daughter, correct? And you need permission to do so, right? So I'm giving you permission."

Balancing Reagan in one hand, he grabs his backpack and pulls out the papers. "Are you sure? Because when your dad asks me, you'll be held accountable for your impulsive decisions."

I snatch the papers and sign my name. "Its an honor having you as her father, Sawyer."

"Its an honor being one," he replies.


"So you're a daddy?" Mark asks, slightly shocked. "Wow."

I grin like an idiot. "I know. And her dad didn't kill me when we told him."

"What's going to happen when she finds out the father?"

"He'll eventually end up in jail," I huff, "Where he belongs."

"Wow," Jo chimes in, rolling her eyes. "You sound like a father already." She gives us our coffee and we walk to Addison's hospital room.

"GET OUT NOW!" I hear Addison scream, and we rush to the room, where two nurse are, looking uncomfortable, a crying Reagan in my sisters arms, Addie's father and the main problem; Sabra, Addison's mom and Zachary.

"All I'm asking, Addison, is that you reconsider. Please don't press charges. Your going to ruin their reputation."

"They ruined it the day they sexually assaulted her," I snarl.

"Who are you?" Sabra asks.

"Her boyfriend. Is that going to be a problem with you, too?"

"She was supposedly raped and has a boyfriend? Ludicrous."

This women disgusts me. "Are you saying that just because she was sexually assaulted, she's not capable of love? If so, you need serious help, woman."

"Ignore her, Sawyer." Addison says, and turns to her mother. "I don't care about their reputation. They have no shame and no respect. I wasn't the only victim, mom. They physically hurt Miami, too. So stop trying to change my mind. Nothing you say can convince me. So please, I'm asking you one last time to leave."

"NO!" Sabra yells, making Reagan cry harder. "I'm not leaving until you drip the charges! You've made me a mockery, and-"

"-GUYS!" Miami screams, frantic. Everyone turns and looks at her. "Reagan stopped breathing."

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