Chapter 22

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As the months pass by, there seems to be a pattern in which we follow, a routine to let our lives be in perfect harmony. Nothing is perfect, I know this now. And I feel that I'm walking on eggshells, waiting for something to happen. For Miami to go into labor, or for Reagan to have another asthma attack.

I finally woke up and realized that I was renting a room I barely used, and so with some convincing, I finally moved in with Addison. So I'm closer to my incredible girlfriend, and my amazing little daughter. Never in a million years did I think at this age I would have a daughter. That I would be happy. Or that I could fill that empty void I had when dad died.

Reagan, who seems to enjoy throwing things, let's her spoon fly across the room, hitting Addison's back, puree spreading across her white shirt.

" Reagan," she warns, turning around.

Reagan just babbles. I kiss Addie on the head and take Reagan out of the high chair. "Now that wasn't very nice, was it?"


Addison whirls around and I stare at my baby girl."Did you just say your first word? "

Addison dries her wet hands. "Rea? Say what you just for mommy, okay?"

Reagan starts hitting me, but then starts chanting, "Dadadadadaadada!"

Addie squeals with delight. "Wait! I have to get the video camera!"

I hold her up in the air. "You are a very special girl, aren't you?"

Tris walks into the kitchen, shaking her head. "I swear, someone is always holding that poor child."

"Dadadadadaadada!" Reagan squeals. Nobody can wipe this grin off my face.

Tris gasps. "Did she just..."

"Yes!" Addie runs into the kitchen with the video camera. "Okay, Rea, are you ready? Go!"

Rea laughs, loving the attention. "Da?"

Addie smile, adoration written all over her face. "Yes, baby doll, da."


My phone rings, and answer it. "Hey Florida, what's up?"

"Don't call me that," Miami snaps. "I went into labor, and moms driving me to the hospital. So, if you guys aren't to holed up with Reagan, you should really come and give me some support."

I roll my eyes. "Okay, I'm coming. See ya." I turn to Addison. "Miami went into labor."


I sit in the hospital, rocking Reagan to sleep, waiting for Miami to deliver the baby. My mind won't shut down, and I can't help but think. Think about Reagans health, prom, graduation, and more importantly, the verdict next month. After Zachary's death, all hell broke lose. The town was divided... There was the people who thought the boys were guilty, and then there was people like Sabra, who thought that even if the second coming of Jesus was tomorrow, Zachary and the other boys were innocent. And I was praying that the boys would be put away. They hurt me, and they hurt Miami. If they are set free, who else will they hurt?

I look down at Reagan, smiling. Its going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine.

I hope.


Miami's ususally perfect olive skin is now pale, but her smile is still there, as she holds a newborn baby boy.

"Hey," I say, sitting on the bed, stretching my hands to see this new bundle of joy. She carefully hands him over. "I heard you hit your brother."

Sawyer, who's sitting in the couch with Reagan, frowns. "She did. And I have a bruise to prove how vicious she is."

Miami sticks out her tongue. "I decided on a name. Rylan."

"Its beautiful, Miami."

"I'm surprised she's capable of nice thoughts after hitting me," Sawyer mumbles.

The reality is sad, though, that Darren is the father of both of the children, and he will never be there to hold them or change their diapers because he's an awful person that deserves to rot in hell.

They all do.

I look down at Rylan, and absorb his beauty. He looks so peaceful as he stares back at me with bright blue eyes.

Everything is peaceful, for now. I've learned that life doesn't allow it to stay that way for long.

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