Chapter 9

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Jo and I sit at a table in the far side of the cafeteria, practically screaming at each other over which Greek gods were better, because this is what weird people do. We were packing up our stuff, ready to leave, when the Elite, all twelve of them, grace us with their presence. Jo and I are ready to leave, but they block our path.

“Oh, I’m sorry, did I chase the hoes away?” Her voice is like nails against chalkboard, over and over again. “Personally, I love Hera. She’s powerful, and able to rid the earth of bitches like you.”

I match her tone, and tell her the same thing I told my mother last week. “Maybe you should eat make-up so that you’ll be pretty on the inside, bitch.” The boys behind her, including my brother, start to choke on their laughs. I turn to them. “I don’t know why any of you are laughing for, because I’ll be laughing best when all of your asses are in prison.”

“You wouldn’t,” Hailey sneers. “Your fat ass wouldn’t dare.”

“Fat ass? My two year old cousin insults better than her.” Jo murmurs under her breath.

“It’s true,” is the only thing Hailey can say. “She’s been eating a lot, she’s getting fat, nobody will like her anymore, and she’ll come running to our boyfriends for sex. It’s basic knowledge, girls.”

Does this girl hear herself? I'm so sick and tired of this shit. My eyes clash with Miami and Zachary's. They know the truth, but they choose to stay silent. Silence is for the week.

"You know what, bitch?" I am so frustrated that she is a living nightmare in my life, always trying to pull me down. There's a large crowd forming around us, eager faces anticipating a fight. "Zachary, yes, my own brother, friggin raped me. Obviously you weren't doing a good enough job for him to come after me in a drunken stupor. Darren, Zachary's friggin partner in crime, had a bit too much fun banging my head into a wall so that he could rape me over and over again. And so did all the other boys. They are liars. All six of them held me down, and raped the shit out of me. And because you girls are so STUPID, you foolishly believe them. ALL of you will rot in hell."

I try to push past Hailey, but she grabs a fistful of my hair, and pulls me back. She's won before, because I let her win. Hormones are a beautiful thing when pregnant, because this time, I fight back.


"I have to do a raincheck on that movie, Addie. No pun intended," I tell her over the phone, watching lightning flash across the sky.

"You can come over to my house and watch a movie," she tells me softly. Her voice is always quiet, and very gentle. When I tell her this, she laughs. In fact, she laughs so hard that I think she's starting to cry. "That's funny, because I got into a fight today."

"Such a bad-ass."

"I know," she giggles. "You should really come over, though. Keep me some company."

Since I have nothing better to do but stare at the rain, I grab my umbrella and make a beeline for her house. She opens the door and hands me a cup of hot chocolate. "Thanks."

"No problem. Come in."

I follow her into a small, but cozy living room. "Where's your aunt?"

"At work."

"So we're all by ourselves."

Her lips turn up in a smile. "Us and the television."

For the next two hours, we get to know each other, eat pizza, and watch the Cosby Show. She's beautiful, and unlike the girls I've dated in the past, she's quiet, soft spoken, shy, and lives to do something educational called reading. And although she lives a very simple life, I don't underestimate her. She's dealing with a lot of things, including a pregnancy and the death of her grandmother. She's not good...she's amazing.

"You know, you never asked about our mutual friend who wanted to save you that day," I sigh, bringing up a serious topic.

"To be honest, I don't want to know, because whoever it was, went through great lengths to stay hidden."

I smile, and run my fingers through my hair. "My lips are sealed."

We're quiet for a while, our attention of old Mickey Mouse cartoons. Addison turns to me. "Sawyer, you're a good guy. You don't want to get involved with me. I can't offer what all the other girls give. I've been harassed, raped, abused, and tormented by these things everyday. And, to make it worse, I'm pregnant, and six dickheads could be the father."

"Addison, I don't want other girls, I want you. You're smart, beautiful, and funny. You're strong and independent. You're not lost, Addie. I don't want to swoop in and be your knight in shiny honor, because I know you can do that for yourself. I don't think someone as spectacular as you deserves to be a lost soul. Life is not measured in years, but how you lived it. Be happy, Addie."

"That's a bit complicated thing to do, Sawyer. I don't know how to live at this point in life."

"I do. When you live, you're free. No regrets or mistakes, just pure bliss."

She swipes away a tear, sniffling. "Thanks." Kissing the top of her head, I stand up. "I'll see you next week Friday. Six o'clock sharp. Its a date."

She rolls her eyes. "Sawyer-"

"Be ready!" I call back as I let the door slam behind me.


"So you're dating the Sawyer guy?" Jo asks, holding up a knit sweater. We're at the mall, going through the racks to find something comfortable yet stylish clothes for me to wear. I shake my head at it, and answer her question. "We aren't dating, Jo. We're going on a date on Friday."

"Awwww, Addie Waddy found love."

"I'm still stuck with you, my Joey-Woey."

We glare at each other, hating that we both said the most embarrassing nicknames. Then, we burst into laughter.

I think about what Sawyer said last night. I was already living and didn't know.

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