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The principal, Ms. Gomez walked in and we all stopped our conversations, we we're terrified of her. She was somebody you did not want to mess with. "Class, as you know, Mrs. Needleman has given birth," Some people just nodded but the girls either gasped or awed. "You will have a substitute for quite a while, and while he is here, I expect nothing but respect towards him, I do not tolerate bad behavior." She glared at the me and the boys sitting next to me, Niall and Liam. I, Harry Styles was one of those jokesters who always messed with substitutes along with Niall and Liam. He's probably some old guy who doesn't even care about teaching us, just getting paid.

I never liked substitutes. They never taught us, some did do their job and make us work, they were usually cranky old ladies who threw erasers at us to pay attention. Ms Gomez broke me away from my thoughts, "Your sub is really young, he's 21. He just graduated University but that doesn't mean he isn't smart, because trust me, he is. I'll let him know to send anyone who is giving problems down to my office for me to take care of." He sounds like a complete douche to me. "He should be arriving shortly." Soon there was a knock at the door. "Ah, that must be him."

I looked over at Niall and Liam and said, "Lets see who we'll be fucking with." With a smirk on my face.

Ms. Gomez walked over to the door and opened it. She motioned for the person on other side of the door to walk in and when he did, he was wearing a dark blue suit. My jaw dropped. Absolutely stunning.

"This, is Mr. Tomlinson."

*credit to fireproof_larry for the cover! Follow her on Twitter*
There you go guys! The picture is how Louis looked when he walked in. I might not update soon, but here's a little something 😘

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