Chapter 7

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(Louis' POV) 

I get a little hungry on the way home, so I stop by the store. I decide on a candy bar and a mini tub of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. I walk in and I see a few kids from the school there. A few of the girls check me out, trying not to be obvious, but they fail. I have the mini ice cream tub and candy bar and before I pay, I just wander around the store for a while.

(Harry's POV)

Niall, Liam and I decided to stop by the store on the way home from school. We were going to have a movie night at Liam's house and we needed snacks. The lovey dovey couple ran off once we entered the store. That left me to find the snacks by myself while they looked for a movie.

As I was walking through the snack aisles, I noticed someone dressed in familiar clothing, a navy blue suit, it's Mr. Tomlinson!

"Shit," I murmured to myself. Once I said that he turned to my direction and he was now facing me. He has a candy bar and a mini tub of ice cream in his hands. He's such a wonderful sight.

"Mr. Styles? Is that right?"

"Actually it's Harry."

"Ah yes, you're in my last period. What brings you here?" He asks.

"Just grabbing snacks while Niall and Liam look for a movie."

"They're in the same class as you, that's rig-" He doesn't finish his sentence because all of a sudden his phone starts to ring. He's speaking to the person on the other side of the line but he doesn't break his gaze off of me. "Alright, see you soon, Nick." Is all I hear before he ends the call. Who's Nick? I try to contain my anger as much as I can. I didn't know I had a sour face on until Louis gently tapped my cheek and said, "Don't make that face, or your face will freeze that way."

His hand was still on my cheek. His touch was so soft. He finally realized that his hand was on my cheek and when he pulled his hand away he mumbled a sorry. "I've got to get going now, I'll see you tomorrow in class." He left and I was still in shock of his hand on my cheek, almost carresing it.

I meet Liam and Niall by the register. "Ready to go?" They both ask.

"Um, yeah, lets go."

Okay this is really short. Im sooooo sorry i haven't updated this in over a week! *sigh* ill try updating for often because i have no excuse to be updating so late

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