Chapter 1

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It was a Friday and I had my meeting with Ms. Gomez right after school. I walked through the school until I found the principal's office. I knocked on the door and through the door I heard someone say 'come in'. As soon as I walked in, our meeting had begun.

"You will start your first day on Monday Mr. Tomlinson. You'll be a substitute for Mrs. Needleman. I will see you then." Ms. Gomez told me. I was so happy that I got the job. I've always wanted to be a teacher, ever since I was little, and now I'm finally doing it. I was overwhelmed with happiness, I practically ran out of the school.

I couldn't wait to get home and tell my best mate, Nick, that I got the job. Nick and I have been friends since we we're little kids, we now live together. We always talked about what we wanted to be when we grew up and I always wanted to be a teacher while he wanted to become a a tattoo artist. He has always loved art and he's really good at it, whether it's drawing, painting, sculpting, or digital design, it just so turned out that he became a tattoo artist. He majored in art while I majored in Literature. He may look like a badass and he doesn't have any knowledge, but he does. We both graduated from college together. He now owns his tattoo shop and he's covered in tattoos. He tattoos me for free as well because we're good friends, best friends actually. I always tell him that I'll pay but he always declines my offers.

As soon as I walked into our flat I ran in and yelled, "Nick!" He popped out from the kitchen with his cooking apron on.

"What's up mate?" He asked.

"I got the job, I'm gonna be a high school teacher!" I practically yelled.

"That's great Lou! I remember when we were younger and how you talked about always wanting to become a teacher, now look at you." He said smiling at me. "You're a pretty young teacher don't you think, I mean you're 21 and the rest of the teachers over there are probably in their middle ages already."

"Yeah," I chuckled. "I know I'm young, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna get the job done and teach those students. I'll make them respect me, but like me at the same time. I wanna be a teacher that they'll like, but I also need to be strict at times because they'll need to get their work done. Remember Mrs. Gruper?" I asked while chuckling.

"Yeah, god, she was a cranky bitch." Nick replied laughing. "I remember she always seperated us in class because we would always cause mischief."

"I dont want to be like her, a mean teacher that nobody likes. Anyways, what's cooking?" I asked while walking into the kitchen with Nick behind me and taking a big whiff of the delicous scent of food.

"Well, I've got some garlic bread in the oven right now, and I'm cooking pasta, go get changed. By the time you're done, the food should be ready." Nick said smiling.

I made my way upstairs and looked at myself in the mirror before changing, I looked quite fancy and rather dashing for this interview with the principal Ms. Gomez. I always loved dressing up and fancy. I changed into a pair of adida sweats and a blue sweater. When I walked downstairs the table was already set.

"Thanks for cooking dinner tonight Nick." I said as I made my way to the table. "Looks delicous."

We started eating and a conversation stirred up. "You excited for your first day on Monday?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said after swallowing. "I just hope I don't have any students who are annoying and think they're badasses and all that nonsense."

"Trust me, you will." He said laughing, almost choking on his garlic bread.

"What if my students think I'm hot?" I asked. "What if I think one of my students are cute?"

"They'll probably be like 'oh my god your bum is so big!' or like 'nice arse!' and you thinking one of your students is cute is completely normal. Dating one is a different story, you're twenty-one and they're around the ages of 16, 17, and 18. Not to mention you're their teacher, you could get into some serious trouble." Nick said sternly. He always was the wise one, not all the time, there were times where I told him right from wrong, but it's usually him telling me.

"You're right, and I doubt I would date any of my students."

(Here's chapter 1! Hope you guys like it :) I had fun writing this chapter, comment and vote!)

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