Chapter 5

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(Harry's POV)

I woke up and I didn't want to go to school. I hate school but I love learning, does that make sense? The people there annoy me, but I love learning. That should clear it up and it should make sense now. I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to take a shower. When i'm in the shower I almost fall asleep because of how relaxing the warm water feels as it's running down my back. I just stand there and let it run down my back, not wanting to move. I brush my teeth when I get out.

My hair is still a little damp when I get out but I blow dry and when it's dry, it falls across my forehead in their usual curls. I change into black jeans and pull a black v-neck on. Black on black. Expect my shoes, they're the white and black converse. I was really hungry when I went into the kitchen for breakfast. I decided on cocoa puff cerial. They're so chocoately and I love how they turn my milk into chocolate milk.

I decided on walking to school since it wasn't that far from my place and it was also warm outside. The walk wasn't that long, maybe 5 to 10 minutes. As soon as I got to school Niall and Liam already spotted me and came running towards me. "Hi," I simply told them.

"Guess what!" As they both said that they raised think entertwined hands up.

"Couple." I said. I The students started walking into school so I proceeded as well. "See you guys later." I only had the last 2 periods with them, lunch and Literature.


Lunch rolled around and I was starving. When I walked into the cafeteria, I saw Liam and Niall sitting at the table we usually sit at. I walked over and they were acting all lovey-dovey. There was another girl sitting with them but I didn't know her. Once they saw me they stopped and introduced the girl to me.

"Harry," Liam began, "This is Jade." and he pointed me towards her, "Jade, this is Harry, one of my good mates." She smiled at me.

She had long silky hair that reached to her bum, and it was dyed ombré from dark brown roots leading down to light brown. She had eyeliner make up on and a nose ring(not a bull ring, one that's threw one of your nostrils). Red lipstick covered her lips and when she smiled, her purly white teeth showed. She wore demin jeans with a black leather jacket and combat boots. She was absolutely gorgeous. If I wasn't gay, I would definitely go for her. She's a complete babe.

"Nice to meet you" I say as I take my seat.

"Nice to meet you as well, I like your curls." She's such a sweet heart, I can tell already.

Niall and Liam interrupted us as they sat down. They decided to sit next to me and smush me, so I got up and moved to sit next to Jade.

"You new here?" I ask.

"No, you've just never seen me." She says. "We have next period together, along with Niall and Liam."

Wow I guess I'm always talking to Niall and Liam that I don't notice people that much. We all go up to get our food, the lunch can sometimes be appetizing. Not all the time.

Lunch ends and we all make our way to literature together. We all decided to sit next to each other.

Ms. Gomez walks in and immediately starts talking to us about how our teacher gave birth and how we'll be having a sub for a while.

(Louis' POV)

I'm wearing my navy blue suit and I have sunglasses on as I drive towards the school. I remember the class I'll be teaching so when I walk in I go straight to the office and tell them how I'm a substitute for Mrs. Needle man and they let me go right away.

I remember the way to class so I make my way towards it. I'm now holding my sunglasses as I make my way towards the room. The room comes in view and I grow nervous.

When I'm standing in front of the door, I stop and take a deep breath, then knock on the door, waiting for someone to answer. When the door opens I see Ms. Gomez's familiar face and she smiles at me and motions for me to come in. I assume she was telling the class how I would be their substitute.

When I walk in some of the students' jaws drop, mainly girls, but some guys. I smile to them all. Ms Gomez's comes and introduces me.

"This, is Mr. Tomlinson."

Okay I know this ended kinda like the prologue. So let's clarify a few things. You all know how Louis looks, you saw how he looked in the prologue. He looks the way he looks now in the present. Well Harry is 16-17 in here but his image and personality was when he was 19-20, do you follow? Don't say "since Harry is 16-17 shouldn't he look like fetus Harry?" WELL NO, HE'S 16-17 BUT HIS IMAGE AND PERSONALITY WAS WHEN HE WAS 19-20 OKAY. this is a FAN FICTION so I could do what I want. The picture is how Harry looks here, but his age is 16-17. I'm repeating this just so you guys get it okay! Now enjoy! Sorry I've been inactive bc school. Comment/vote!

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