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I've been limping around the streets of Stocklhom for about three days now. I'm not entirely sure how far from 'home' I am, but I am never returning as much as the sperm donor banks on it.

I won't.

Shivering at the thought of the contract and being passed around till someone wants to buy me from him, because he doesn't want me, is a big no no.
I ran away with the t-shirt, jeans, jacket and shoes on my body and I didn't look back.

I ran out of money a day ago and haven't properly eaten since then nor drank anything. I can tell my body is going to give out soon, because my vision keeps getting blurry and fuzzy around the edges.
Plus every time I take about ten steps, I've got to stop and take a minute to regain strength.

I'm currently trying to find some place to get shelter for the incoming night, but all I'm seeing is a big gated wall and I've been walking for roughly about fifteen minutes.
Finally I stumble across what I am assuming to be the main gate, as I try to continue forward on my trek for shelter, my vision starts getting spotty.
Black dots are appearing all over my vision and everything slowly begins to feel fuzzy.
The edges of my vision started to darken and before I knew it, my vision went black and my eyes rolled into my head.

The last thing I heard were multiple footsteps and voices seemingly telling someone to alert the King.


King of wha-


Signing the last document, I closed it and put it into the completed pile. That pile was for the ones that were going to be sent back to let the person, people or business know I had accepted their offers.
Tomorrow, my secretary would come and pick them up to send out.

Leaning back in my chair, i stretched, cracking my back and groaning out in pleasure at how good it felt.

Checking the time, I was shocked to see that it was already half past six. I decided I best go make myself some dinner or see what the chefs made for the whole club.
I had just gotten out of my chair when Theo came barging in with Zara, both completely out of breath to the point where they had to bend over and hold onto their knees to catch their breath. Staring in shock at them for this kind of behaviour, I was about to reprimand them, when Theo stood up.

"Sorry for barging in so quickly My King, but gate patrol said a young girl looking very weak was passing by, when all of a sudden her eyes rolled back and she collapsed. They haven't brought her inside, because they are requesting for you to come down and deem if she is not a threat."

"Alright, let's go."

I was wondering how the hell a young girl could be out at this late hour of the evening.

Didn't she know where she was?

All sort of thoughts were running through my mind, trying to come with a possible explanation or scenario that could've lead up for her to be here. I was of course wary, because for all we know it could be a trap.
It wouldn't be the first time, rival gangs, clubs or thugs have all tried the tactic of a poor 'sickly' boy or girl fainting right in front of our gates. Then suddenly getting up and signaling for the attack to start.

My guard was very high and so was everyone else's.

Reaching the front door, the three of us were met with twelve more members, all there to escort me to see what was going on. Even if I told them it was not necessary, they'd still follow because I am their King and they all wish to protect me.

Nodding at them all, we all headed out to see what was happening.

Little did I know, I was about to get one of the biggest shocks of my life.

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