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"The jaga will start now."

First Hour:

Jamie set off with her allotted five minutes to get a head start on the enforcers.

She managed to make it past what they all considered the 'first checkpoint' in the forest at the back of the castle.
The second she crossed it, you could hear the alarm ring through out, signaling that her time was up.

It sent chills down her spine and made her run faster.

Immediately after she could hear footsteps thundering her way, the enforcers were extremely fit and was on her fast.
Jamie took off running, while doing so she looked back, saw an enforcer, aimed and shot at them. She missed and kept running.

She threw them off a few times and dove into a thick bush to try to figure out how to survive the whole jaga.

Second Hour:

The bell rung to signal that the jaga entered the second hour.

A gunshot rung out of the forest and was immediately followed by a scream, from Jamie. She was grazed on the arm, which also alerted the three of her whereabouts.

She clamped her hand over her mouth, snuck out of the bush, spotted a enforcer and took a shot. Then she ran and continued running. That is all she did for the second hour and hiding behind trees or in bushes.

Third Hour:

Jamie made her way to the second checkpoint in the forest where it was a lot denser. Meaning it would be easier for her to hide and sneak up to hit one of the three, in her eyes.
But also that meant she could get lost and bump into either Arin, Josh or Ivan.

They knew the land better than she did, as she never went outside the castle inner walls. So to her she needed to be ever smarter than them.
Which she was not.

Right away, she came face to face with Ivan, who aimed and took a shot at her. Purposely missing, in the sense of run and I will chase.

Jamie instantly aimed and tried to shoot him, but she was shaking so badly from being shot at almost point blank, she ended up shooting a tree about three feet off to the left.

She took off and ran to try to hide.

Fourth/Final Hour:

It was the final hour. Things got incredibly tense between the four as now Jamie had to survive, she had too, she wanted to live.
While the three 'hunters' now had to stop playing around and actually be dead serious about this. They needed to get justice for the seven, but especially Quinn and Will.

Those two were affected the most and would be dealing with trauma for the rest of their lives.

Odin's Riders would pay for their therapy but still, they felt the need for to do this for them. Neither men deserved it. No one did.

It was known that Jamie had only one bullet left, they knew she could not kill or hurt all three of them, especially if they converged on her together.

So that is what they did.

She was hidden in between a hollow tree trunk and several thick, thorn filled bushes. There was only one way out of this spot, so Arin started coming from behind, while Ivan came from the west and Josh from the east.

That way she would only really be able to run straight if she flew out, which gave the option of two to chase her and one to stay behind to snipe her.

Jamie was fully aware they were onto her and at this point she had no idea how much time was left. She was absolutely exhausted, out of breath, hungry and dehydrated beyond belief.
Her will to live was dwindling and she at this point, came to the conclusion that she was more than likely going to die.

She did not want to die by their hands.

Remembering that she had one more bullet in the gun they gave her, Jamie made a fatal decision at that moment.

Holding the pistol up, she pressed her hand over her heart and replaced it with the barrel of the gun. Taking a deep breath, she looked to the rising sun, her eyes were filled with tears. Guilt and remorse seeped into her mind for all that she did.

Saying a quiet prayer to Odin, she whispered "I am so sorry." Then pulled the trigger and died straight away.

The gunshot echoed through the whole forest, reaching the castle and that was because it was so windy, that carried it all the way. Following the exact sound, the three men rushed to the opening of the trunk and were met by the sight of Jamie's lifeless body laying there with a hole in her chest.

"Fuck, Arin go tell the King of what happened. Josh and I will wrap her up to bring her back."

"Ok, see you back at the castle. Be careful."

Nodding the two men got to work removing the gun from her still warm hand and putting it into a disposable bag.

Ivan placed a gloved hand over her eyes and closed them. Both of them said a silent prayer out of respect for the dead, even though she was a horrible person.

Grabbing the tarp, they pulled Jamie's body out and laid her on it. Folding the outer pieces over her, they wrapped it and each held an end.

Josh and Ivan made their way back to the castle for her preparations and then the funeral ceremony itself. It was announced that she was going to be buried in the club's cemetery as she had no family, since she abandoned them.


After the funeral, Doctor Luke was checking on Nova to see if there were any signs of her waking up.

Just as he was about leave, her eyes fly open and she screams.

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