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"Kärlek, you need to tell me who the fuck did this to you now."

Nova's body stiffened in Elias' arms. She was fully aware that they probably already knew she had whip markings all over her back, but what she did not anticipate was them seeing it first hand.

Nor them asking about the origins of them, but now that she thought about it, she should have known.

They wanted to know everything.

"Let me finish this up first my King, so that the young lady can situate herself into a comfortable position to her story."

"Alright Macy, thank you for doing this on top of that. I know you have little Aki to take care of. How is he by the way?" Benjamin asked.

She informed that her son was doing absolutely fantastic and he was actually learning to crawl now. It was an exciting thing for everyone in the room to hear, even Nova.

To her,all she knew were the children at her old place of living were treated like shit and were made to be little cleaners. So she was pleasantly surprised that it seemed that Odin's Riders MC treated children like children and human beings with love. That thought made her smile widely.

"You are all set sweetheart. My job here is done, now if you will excuse me time to head back to my baby boy. He's with his uncle Josh."

"Thank you Nurse Macy, would be okay with you if I could possibly meet Aki whenever is good for you?"

Smiling at the sweet young lady in the bed before her, she told her she was more than welcomed to and that if she would like Aki could come visit her tomorrow or the following day.
After confirming either or was fine, Nurse Macy left the room along with Doctor Luke.

The minute the door clicked shut, both men turned their attention onto Nova immediately, who was looking down at her hands in her lap. She was avoiding eye contact and playing with the hospital gown between her fingers.

Placing his thumb and forefinger under her chin, Elias made her look up at him but still she refused to make any eye contact.

"Kärlek, look at me right now. I am not mad at you or anything, but I am quite infuriated to put it mildly at the fact that these markings are even on your person."

Looking up into his eyes, her grey orbs slowly filled with tears. Never in her life had she experienced such kindness except from her mother, everyone she ever met back at her old home were horrible people, none gave any shits about her.

Nova was a bastard child and they never ever let her forget that. They would whisper it under their breathes when she passed or leave a note in her room or something of that nature.

She vocalised her feelings and why she was crying to Benjamin and Elias, which ended up with both men pulling her into a group hug.

Whispering to her that nothing like that would ever happen again and she was safe here with them. She truly believed it.

"Now tell me what the fuck happened for you to have all those injuries."

Nodding, she pulled back and wrapped her arms around herself, "Most of them are from Vinnie, but a few are from his wife and his other legitimate children. If I did not do something her or the kids deemed 'correct' they would grab the whip and beat me. Never once was what I did actually wrong, I quickly realized it was just a bullshit excuse for them to hit me. I was like their personal punching bag and if I tried to even remotely fight back, it would just get worse."

After she revealed these details, big, fat tears started rolling down her cheeks. Benjamin got up and wrapped his arms around her, whispering words of encouragement to her.

Elias, however was seeing red and could only think of one thing.

Vinnie Kröw's head blown wide open and his body laying lifeless there. With his pathetic empire burning to ashes around him.

War was inevitable at this point. At some point, he thought maybe there could be a different plan, but now no. Odin's Riders would be going to war against The Kröw's.

"Why did your pathetic human shit stain for a father do that to you?"

Sighing Nova explained that it was more than likely punishment for reminding him of Lyra, her mother, not reciprocating his advances and overall just hating her.
It was almost every week she was in their club's infirmary, bleeding profusely from her back and sometimes her legs.

After informing them of this, she let out a massive yawn. That was an indication for them to let her get some rest, so they said their goodbyes and left the room.

Once they got into Elias' office, they called Serah, Zia, Zara and Theo in and informed them of their findings.

The four were obviously infuriated by this and expressed it greatly. They all stayed up till the early hours of the morning formulating plans to deal with it all at once. None wanted any loose strings hanging.

Finally the planning was completed and they all stepped out of the office to head to bed.

Wishing everyone a goodnight, Elias made his way up to his floor where he immediately fell onto his bed and was out cold. His dreams were filled with Nova and it made him so happy, that he was smiling in his sleep.

The last thing Nova remembered before dropping back to sleep was Elias' beautiful emerald orbs staring at her. Filling her with a warmth she never knew.


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