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I was actually in tears after reading the letter. She was right. All the stories I heard were stories about people who already developed the addictions and I helped them dealing with it. Hers was definitely different. I'd never heard a story like this and I was very happy that she told me. It was another achievement, since I prevented her from going down the wrong path. She was so sweet.
I wanted to go to bed, but all I could think about was Kayla. I liked it that she had a different story. She wasn't just another one if my fans, she was a special one to me. She was different than all my other fans.
I looked at all the meet an greet pictures, till I found hers. The picture was actually really cute. She had a huge smile on her face and it was adorable. I decided to tweet it.

'@ddlovato: met this amazing girl today. She has a very inspiring story. Hope to see her again soon!' And attached the picture.

I wasn't lying. I really thought she was inspirational. She got help, before she really needed it. That's something a lot of people have a really hard time doing. They don't even get help when they really need it.
And I did hope to see her again. I wanted to talk to her, now that I knew her story. I wanted to talk to her parents, too. To hear how they dealt with it and maybe give them some advice, if they need that. I also wanted to thank them, for helping her. Who knows what would've happened if they didn't? Maybe she would be dying right now if they didn't help her, and she would've never been able to tell me her story.
How do I get in touch with her, though? All I know is her name. I don't know her address, phone number, which school she goes to. I know nothing about her. I really wanted to see her again, though.

I looked at the clock and saw it was already past midnight and I had a few interviews tomorrow, so I went to bed. I'll try to find out more about her tomorrow.

Next update: Sunday

Message me if you need someone to talk to.
Stay strong,
I love you!

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