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I woke up cuddled into Sean's naked body.
Last night was amazing. Just like every other time we had sex.

I remember the first time we did it, a few weeks ago. I was kinda nervous, cause I was very self conscious, but he told me I was beautiful.
It was amazing. I'd never wanted anyone to make love to me as badly, as I wanted him that night.

"Morning beautiful"

"Morning handsome" I smiled at him, "how long have you been up?"

"Few minutes" he kissed me.

His phone rang.

"Hello?.. Oh my god! We're on our way!.. See you" he smiled.

"Tiff's in the hospital. Her labor started yesterday evening and the doctors think the baby's ready to come out! Get dresses, we're going to the hospital" he screamed.
He was so excited and it was adorable.

I got dressed fast and all of a sudden felt vomit come up in my throat. I leant over the toilet and threw up. Weird. I don't feel sick, but it's already the third day it's happening.

"Are you okay?" Sean asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Lets go to the hospital"

"Are you sure you're okay? It's the third day. It's not normal. You sure you're not sick?"

"I just had to throw up. I'm fine"

"Okay, let's go"

We came to the hospital and got ushered into her room.

"Do you want everyone in the room, during the delivery?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want it any different. Thank you for coming" she hugged me.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world"

Our whole family was there, as well as her parents.
The doctor came in and everything started.
It went by fast and in a blur. And then, their beautiful baby boy was out.

"Oh my baby" she cried as the nursed cleaned him up.

"You did good, Tiff" mom kissed her cheek.

"We have a kid" Dylan kissed her lips, "can you believe that? We're parents" he was so happy. It was adorable.
After the nurses were done they handed her the baby.
He's so adorably cute.

"Oh my god. He's adorable" I couldn't hold myself in.
I was jumping in joy. Drew, Sean and Kayla were too. Bentley just looked at the baby with so much love in his eyes, it was incredible.

"So, what's his name?" dad asked.

Dylan and Tiff looked at each other and smiled.

"Kaden Conner" Dylan smiled.

"Kaden Conner Parker. I love it" mom smiled.
She had tears in her eyes.

Before anyone could say anything else, I ran to the bathroom and threw up again.

"You alright?" mom asked.

"Yeah, I'm feeling great. Just a little dizzy"

"That the second time today, Demi. And the third day. Are you sure you're fine?" Sean asked.

"Yeah, I really feel fine. I don't know what it is"

"I thought you threw up, because you didn't like the name" Dylan joked.

"I love it. It's really cute and it fits him well" I gave him a hug, "Don't worry. Even if I didn't like it, I wouldn't show it"

Everyone smiled and talked with each other.
Everyone also got to hold baby Kaden. He's so tiny and cute.

Her parents had to leave and so did mom, dad, Bentley and Kayla. Drew left with them, too.
Now it was only me, Sean, Dylan, Tiff and Kaden left.

"Do you mind if I have a word with Demi?" Tiff asked Sean and Dylan.

"Sure" they left the room.

What did she wanna talk about? Am I supposed to be nervous?

"Congratulations. He's adorable" I smiled.

"Thanks. But you know that's not what I wanna talk about"

"What then?"

"You really don't know?"


"Demi, are you late?"

"Late with what?" I was so confused.

"Are you playing dumb, or do you really not know what I mean?"

"I really, honestly don't know what you're talking about"

"The throwing up, being dizzy. When was the last time you had your period?" she asked.

Oh my god, I knew what she meant. I could be pregnant.

"Oh my god, I was supposed to have it two weeks ago" I realized, "we're not even married"

The Parkers were a no sex till marriage kinda family.
Sean told me. He already lost his virginity to his last girlfriend, though. He was like the 'black sheep' of the family.

"They're gonna be so mad"

"They're not gonna be mad. They'll maybe be a bit disappointed, but they'll still love you and Sean unconditionally. They'll love the baby, too. You need to take a test, if it comes our positive you'll make a doctors appointment. If you're really pregnant, we'll see what we do then"

"I can't be pregnant. We're not married"

"The baby's gonna be the best thing that ever happens to you, Demi. It's something you'll be thankful for every single day of your life. I love you, no matter what. Sean does too and so does the rest of the family. Yeah, you're not married but it happened. Here, hold Kaden for me" she handed me the baby, "look at the precious baby in your arms. A bundle of joy, Demi. If that's growing inside of you, you have nothing to worry about. You shouldn't regret your actions. Maybe it wasn't what mom and dad wanted, but it happened. There's nothing you can do about it now and the outcome is the best blessing in the world. Take it from me, I know what I'm talking about"

I looked at my precious nephew in my arms. Yeah, he wasn't my nephew, but I considered him my nephew.
A tear rolled down my cheek, as I looked at this innocent little baby.

"Come sit next to me" Tiff whispered.
I sat down next to her on the bed and she put her arm around my shoulder.

"See this wonderful thing you're holding in your arms? See how precious? That's one of God's wonders. A miracle. That's the best thing that can happen in your life, Demi. Don't feel bad, it'll be alright" she wiped my tears, who were now coming down faster then before.
I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I know. I know I shouldn't be sad, but what of they won't except it? What if they'll get mad? What if they don't wanna see us anymore? What if Sean'll break up with me?"

"None of that's gonna happen, Demi. Sean loves you and will be with you all the way. If the rest of the family will be mad and not want to talk to you anymore, they'll realize their mistake in time. They'll realize that their missing out on something and someone very important to them. And I'll support you, Demi. No matter what, I'll always be by your side"

The door opened, before I had the time to reply.

"Can we come- is everything alright?" Dylan asked, as he and Sean came in.

"Yeah, we're fine" I said.

"Why are you crying?" Sean asked.
I just shook my head and looked at Tiff. She rubbed my back and kissed my cheek.

"It'll be alright" she whispered, as more tears left my eyes.

It was quiet for a few minutes and the Tiff finally spoke.

"We think Demi's pregnant"

Next update: Thursday

Message me if you need someone to talk to.
Stay strong,
I love you!

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