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"Sweetheart, is everything alright?" I asked.
She looked at me and nodded, her smiled never leaving her face.

"What happened? Why are you happy?" I asked.

"She talked to me" she simply said.

"What do you mean? She's gone, Kayla. She's no longer with us" I was getting scared.
Please don't tell me she's starting to imagine weird things.

"I was talking to her. I was crying. Telling her how much I can't believe she's gone, how much I love her and how much I'm gonna miss her. She opened her eyes and looked at me. She told me that she loved me too and that everything's gonna be okay. She told me that she not to worry about her, cause she's in a good place now. She told me to hang in there and be grateful for my family and especially for you. Then she closed her eyes again and now she's really dead. But her telling me that it was gonna be okay made it better. I'm happy that she's in a good place now."

"Are you sure? She doesn't even know me" I was really scared now.
What the hell? She was dead. How could she have talked? Please tell me Kayla's imagining it.

"She knows about you. I talked to her before she opened her eyes and I told her about you. She loves you like her granddaughter"

"Are you sure you're not imagining anything?"

"Demi, I'm not lying. I know what I saw and I know what I heard. She came back to life and now I can let her go without a heavy heart, knowing she's okay and she watching over me. She's watching over all of us"

"I think you should rest a little. It's been a hard week for you"

"You don't believe me, do you?" she asked, sadness clear in her voice.

"I'm sorry, Kayla. It just seems odd that she's been dead for a few hours and all of a sudden she comes back to life, don't you think?"

"Yeah, and I didn't believe it. But it really happened. I'm telling you, I'm not crazy"

"I know you're not. I never said you were. It's just hard to believe something-" before I could finish my sentence, I heard someone talk.

"She's right. Now remember, I love you like I've known you your whole life. Take good care of yourself and my family and bless all of you. I'm watching over you, so think about me when you need help. I'm always gonna be there for you" I looked at her dead grandma and I couldn't believe it.
She made eye contact with me, smiled at me and closed her eyes again.

"See, I told you I'm not crazy" Kayla said.

I was in a trance, though. How the fuck was that possible? What the fuck just happened?

"DEMI! Please say something" Kayla cried.
I gave her a confused look.

"You totally zoned out. I thought you were gonna die" she cried.
I hugged her.

"Don't worry, I'm not dying. I'm just completely and utterly confused. How is that possible?"

"You're special, Demi. She came back to see you before she left for good"

"But she already talked to you"

"I know, but that's cause I was talking about you. She loves you and couldn't leave without telling you so"

"How do you know it's not because of you? How do you know the not because of how special you are?"

"Cause you are extraordinary. You're not like normal people are. You cried over the loss is someone you've never met before"

"How do you know I cried?"

"I saw it on your face"

"I cannot believe she just spoke to us" I burst into tears.

"Don't cry, Demi. It was a good thing" Kayla tried to comfort me, while she was crying, too.

Before I could reply, the door opened.

I've never heard of someone coming back to life, but I just had to do it, for what's gonna happen later in the story.
And it's a fiction anyway, so unreal things can happen..:P

Next update: Sunday

Message me if you need someone to talk to.
Stay strong,
I love you!

Just another lovatic?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt