Chapter 10

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Yamada woke up at his usual time of 6:45 and started preparing coffee. He spotted the sleeping figure of Midoriya and smiled as he fixed the child's blanket. He backed away but started to hear a whimpering noise behind him. As he turned around he looked at the blanket falling as the boy thrashed around in his sleep. Yamada cautiously approached the sleeping boy and grabbed his arm, shaking him awake. Midoriya woke up quick enough and ended up pinning the hero to the ground. His hold was strong but flexible and it took a few moments of heavy breathing for the hero to be let go of. "O-oh I- um I am sorry-y Yama-ada!" Midoriya stuttered, backing away rapidly. "It's okay little listener- wait are you crying? Oh I am so sorry for scaring you!" Yamada said. The pro hero walked over to the teen and wrapped them in a hug, he could hear the kid freaking out about getting a hug from one of his favorite heroes. The hero wrapped his arms around the kid and picked him up, moving him to a counter in the kitchen. The kid sniffled a few times, rubbing his sleeved against his nose.

Yamada hummed a song he had played on his radio station the other day, hearing a small hum from somebody else. He looked over his shoulder to see the boy humming happily, head tilting side to side. "Listener, would you like some tea?" The pro asked softly, trying to be as non intimidating as possible. The boy nodded silently and sniffled again. Yamada filled up the kettle and shuffled over to a cabinet, pulling out boxes of tea. He stacked them up cautiously and brought them over to the teen. "Which tea would you like bud?" Midoriya eyed them carefully and looked at all the different teas, eventually picking a honey-lemon blend. The kid hopped off the counter and put the rest of the teas back, but he had to climb back on the counter to put them back.

The kettle let out a high-pitched hum, and Yamada quickly brought it to 4 mugs. As he poured the water Midoriya went to his discarded bag and reached into a side pocket. 'I have some coffee packets that Eraser and S-H-I-N-S-O liked at the cafe.' He offered, showing the packets of coffee to the man. "Oh! Wow I didn't know you guys sold packets of these! I would have bought them if I could." He exclaimed, quickly ripping open the coffee packets. The pair finished making the drinks and Yamada offered to let Midoriya make breakfast while he woke up the others. Midoriya nodded and grabbed a loaf of bread from the counter.

Yamada happily trotted down the hallway, passing his son's door to wake up the more problematic of the two. He swung his own door open and leaped onto the bed. He heard an annoyed growl from underneath the blankets and he tore them back. "Shoooooo~ Come on it's time to wake upppp." Yamada called to his husband. "Let me die so I can sleep more." was the undigified response. "Death is illegal you know that. Midoriya made the coffee you like from the cafe~" The blonde coaxed, pulling his lover's arm. He brought a kiss upon the man's lips, the other clearly waken up by it. Aizawa quickly pulled his husband into a deeper kiss, which although the blonde loved it they had things awaiting them. "Come on, the coffee will get cold!" The blonde stated, jumping away from his cuddly husband. Aizawa got up and found a discarded shirt on a chair and put it over his own figure.

Yamada knocked rapidly on his son's door and swung it open. "HelloooO~ My little buttercup!" He sang, causing a pillow to be thrown at his face. "Commeeee onnn Shinso! Midoriya made your special cafe coffee!" He said, prying the blanket off his son. Yamada was met with another pillow being smothered in his face until his son regain his brain. "Wait Midoriya.... Oh right he came home with us." was the muttered response. The pillow was taken to be held in Shino's arms, being cuddled into. "Yeppppp! Now lets gooo!" The blonde exclaimed, pulling his son's arms to be dragged to the kitchen. He ran into Aizawa gaping underneath the arch, causing both the blonde and purple haired teen to look into the kitchen.

Inside Midoriya was happily flipping french toast, another pan holding an egg concoction with different spices. He looked over his shoulder and gave a small wave while effortlessly flipping the toast. Shinso soon walked in, grabbing a white mug of coffee and took a long gulp. "Wow, this really tastes like the stuff from the cafe." he commented looking down into the cup. Midoriya turned off the burners and signed 'I was the one who made the blend. I know all the ingredients and special add ons for your coffee!" He had a proud look on his face as Aizawa walked over and took the other white mug of coffee. "Hm what's this blend's names anyways?" he asked, leaning on a counter away from the oven. "Insomniac's Blend" Midoriya commented, scrambling around to look into the cabinets. Yamada rushed into the kitchen and grabbed plates to place near the oven. Midoriya brought his hand to his mouth and brought it down in a perfect ninety degree angle, signaling thank you.

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