Chapter 16

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Nezu was panicking, five people were looking for one (1) smol sad scared boy, but couldn't find him. Rini and Suki had joined this search, Rini looking dead on her feet as Suki ran like her life depended on it. "Does your kid know where Zu-Chan is?" The pastel blue haired girl asked dully, looking around at the night sky. Yamada stopped running for a second, looking at the girl. "I- MAYBE!" The blond yelled, getting the attention of a few passerbys. The blond started running down the street, Aizawa and Rini groaning at his energy this late.

"Rini... Aren't you usually high energy?" Aizawa asked, walking next to the girl. "That's when it's fuckin daytime and I'm running the cafe. Right now it's almost midnight, I'm tired as hell and want to bash my head in" she said, suppressing a yawn. "Suki however, is higher energy in the nighttime so she is just gonna be doing that." Rini completed, vaguely motioning to the girl running down the street, seemingly competing with Yamada.

Nezu ducked into a few alleys, looking around in them then retreating back to the group. Every time he went into one, he was scared to find the boy slumped over and already dead burned and battered, unable to be saved a second time. He took a deep breath concentrating on finding his student.


Midoriya breathed in a panicked breath, trying to figure out what the heck to do. "They were looking for you... I could send a message saying I found you and took you inside I guess. Here, throw this on." Shinso said, getting up and throwing over a very oversized hoodie. The purple haired boy found his phone he had discarded upon hearing a crash, and sent a message to his pop's phone. His brain mentally supplied that the phone was left in his parent's room and gave a sigh of relief.

Heavy footsteps approached his door, slightly covering the quiet question Midoriya asked "What about my shoes and gear?" which Shinso sweared at. "Shove them under my bed, I will try to get them back to you and keep them hidden." was the reply, the smaller boy shoving them into the corner of the dark abyss. Midoriya started coughing, just as he stood back up and the door opening. "OH MY GOD" Yamada screamed in english, shocked by the appearance of the child.

"Hi pops, you got my message?" Shinso said dully, moving over to Midoriya to help him on the bed. "Your mess- oh no I forgot my phone when going to look for him. But I guess we have him." to which Shinso merely nodded. "Sorry..." Midoriya muttered, slightly curling into Shinso's coldish side. Yamada stiffened, looking at the pair and sighed. Midoriya mimicked the noise, tiredly taking his hands and signing 'good night' before flopping onto Shinso.

Yamada silently approached him, picking up his sleeping figure. "Message Nezu in private chat that we have him. I don't expect this to happen again.. Got it?" he said, giving a half-hearted glare. Shinso was left in his room, stewing in his thoughts as he watched the tall figure of his dad on the lawn. He picked up his phone again, leaving the single message of 'pops has mido' and lying on his bed. His heart was still beating fast from the adrenaline, first from figuring out his new friend was an illegal vigilante, but also from the fact that he had had his first kiss with a really cute guy.

He reached up and his fingers hovered over his lips, and his heart beated faster. He felt his face getting hotter, it slowly traveling down his body. He shivered, getting up and going to the kitchen. He looked around looking at the broken pot through the window. He prepared a kettle for tea, staring out at the moon, his view being blocked by a cheshire grin.

"H̸e̸l̵l̶o̴ ̵t̶h̷e̵r̵e̶,̷ ̶S̸h̴i̶n̵s̴o̴ ̷H̸i̴t̴o̷s̷h̴i̴"(Hello there, Shinso Hitoshi They said, leaning down from his roof. His hand found its way to his pocket, thumbing his switchblade. "I̴ ̵a̷m̵ ̶n̵o̸ ̵t̸h̸r̷e̸a̶t̴ ̷t̵o̸ ̶y̶o̷u̸,̶ ̷b̷u̶t̴ ̴I̶ ̷s̸e̷e̵ ̶y̶o̷u̷ ̵h̴a̴v̶e̷ ̸a̶n̴ ̶i̷n̸t̸e̴r̸e̸s̶t̴ ̸i̵n̵ ̷m̷y̴ ̵d̷e̷a̸r̸ ̵r̷a̵b̶b̶i̶t̸.̵ ̶J̸u̶s̸t̴ ̴b̸e̵ ̴w̶a̸r̶n̴e̴d̴,̷ ̸t̴e̵l̸l̴ ̸p̶e̴o̸p̵l̸e̷ ̶o̸f̷ ̶h̵i̶s̷ ̴i̵d̴e̵n̷t̵i̶t̷y̶ ̷a̵n̸d̵ ̶I̸ ̴w̸i̶l̴l̶ ̷h̸a̵v̵e̴ ̵y̶o̷u̷r̷ ̴b̸l̷o̷o̶d̴ ̷o̵n̴ ̸m̴y̸ ̷h̵a̶n̵d̷s̴.̵~̶"(I am no threat to you, but I see you have an interest in my dear rabbit. Just be warned, tell people of his identity and I will have your blood on my hands) They said, jumping away and running off into the night.

The kettle screamed and he stared at it, sighing and mumbling a "I have no idea any more" and decided to make a cup of coffee instead


Midoriya stirred in Yamada's arms and he halted his steps. The blond looked down at the greenette, seeing the tears stream down the boy's cheeks freaked him out. He saw Suki, Nezu and Aizawa standing together, the smallest figure perking up. Nezu trotted over, looking at the boy who started curling up slightly. "Oh dear, not another one..." Nezu said, brushing a paw over the boy's forehead. "Where was he?" the mouse asked, looking over the boy's figure.

"Shinso had found him I guess." Yamada said, a pout spreading on his face. Aizawa grimaced, and went to take the child from his husband. When Aizawa grabbed the back of the boy, he jumped awake leaping onto the pavement. Rini soon appeared, rubbing the boy's back and calming him down. "Are you ok Zu-Chan?" she asked, her voice delicate. He nodded, walking over to Nezu and sheepishly signing an apology. "It's fine I suppose, no need to worry about it. Just.... Leave a note or something next time" Nezu requested, to which Midoriya nodded.

The pair waved off the others as they walked away, Rini and Yamada waving back. Midoriya followed Nezu back to the apartment, the teen going back to sleep quickly and curled up with a fluffy gray blanket. Nezu got up to make a cup of tea, but heard the boy fall off the couch. He quickly went over to look at the boy's head. There was a small cut on his forehead as he dully looked at Nezu. He wasn't crying or shaking, so there was no evidence of another nightmare. His face was still red from the fever, but held a little pink in it.

"Are you okay?" Nezu questioned, sitting the boy upright on the floor. "Y-yeP!" Midoriya responded, his voice cracking. The boy walked off going into his room and shutting it's door.

Midoriya's heart was beating through his chest. He dove under his blanket, wrapping it around him. He couldn't get the thought out of his mind. 'Why would anyone like me??? Why would he kiss me?? Why in the world did he help me??' He thought over and over. He burrowed in his blanket and in the hoodie, smelling the light scent of the boy. A shiver ran down his body, feeling all hot again. His tongue drifted over his lips, going all nervous again.

His hands cupped around his cheeks, remembering how Shinso's hand cupped his cheek. They flew off his face, wrapping around his waist. He breathed in, the faint feeling of Shinso's arms around his waist and a hand cupping his cheek. His nerves kept bringing him back to that moment, and his arm shivered. As he left his cave of blankets he looked to his mirror, his face bright red. He looked at the freckles splaying across his face, making him look like a strawberry. A small ding rang from his phone and he scrambled to get it, a black case falling off his desk.

PurpleCalico: 💜

His breath shook as he looked at the heart, his legs going weak and his head spinning. His lips felt dry as he stared at the message. Clicking the notification and replying to it.




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