S C E N A R I O / O N E

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*Altered from tumblr*


Sal opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm clock, hearing the soft tune of a Maroon 5 song playing through the purple speakers hooked up to it. He smiled, as he looked to his side and saw his boyfriend, Brian, sleeping peacefully next to him.

He slipped out of bed easily, attempting not to wake the boy beside him, but the arms slowly wrapping around his waist and pulling him back into Brian's chest told Sal otherwise.

"Stay here," Brian spoke out; his voice still thick with sleep. "It's not even a school day."

Relaxing, Sal caved to Brian's request, cuddling back into the older boy's arms, listening intently to the beating of his heart inside of his chest. He was almost half asleep again, when Sal could feel Brian peppering tiny kisses on the top of his head, smelling at the dark curls of hair; the touch making Sal try to cower out of his reach.

They cuddled for a while longer, sharing gentle touches and soft kisses, as Sal rolled over to face Brian properly, unable to supress the loving smile that played across his lips. This was slowly becoming their routine at weekends; one boy staying round the others for the night and waking up together, usually still a mangled mess of limbs.

It had been the same since they were young; their friendship soon blossoming into one of romance, which was no shock to anyone else around them. Their parents weren't at all surprised when the news came about of Sal and Brian being more than friends.

"I like it when we do this," Brian mumbled against Sal's neck; the warmth of his breath fanning down onto his skin. "Just mushed together like this."

Sal hummed tiredly in response, scooting ever closer into the older boy's chest. He could feel himself starting to fall into a pit of sleep again at the level of comfort that Brian's chest provided for him. He was warm against him and the mattress beneath them both was soft enough to send him back into a doze, snoring softly.

Brian smiled down at Sal, brushing back the tuft of dark hair that had fallen in Sal's face, letting a small, sleepy smile form across his lips. Reaching for Brian's hands that were currently coiled tightly around his waist, Sal forced their fingers to intertwine together, squeezing Brian's palm securely in his clasp.

The two of them were inseparable, especially when snuggled up in bed together. They can't be around each other for longer than five minutes without some form of contact between them both in one way or another. Whether it be holding hands, Brian's arms over Sal's shoulders from behind, with his face nuzzled into the crook of his neck, or Sal running his fingers through Brian's thick locks of hair.

"Babe," Brian chuckled, shaking Sal's shoulder after looking at the clock and seeing that time was slowly moving on. "I know that you're awake."

"No..." Sal hummed, pressing his face into the pillow to avoid any more of this unwanted social interaction. "Wake me up when it's the weekend."

"It is the weekend, Dummy." Brian replied playfully, as he ran his hand through the dark curls of hair smothering his love's head.

Seeing as Sal wasn't planning on getting up any time soon, Brian gently slipped out of bed and stepped his way downstairs. He fumbled through the cabinets for a bowl and Sal's favourite cereal, somehow juggling a number of things in his arms all at once.

"Ah, shit!" He whisper-yelled, when he almost sent the ceramic bowl tumbling to the tiled floor of the kitchen. Thankfully, though, Brian caught it in time before the bowl smashed against the floor.

After adding milk to the Lucky Charms, Brian placed a couple slices of bread into the toaster, pressing down on the button. He was soon gathering all of the breakfast foods onto the one tray, before hurrying his way back up the stairs to his bedroom door.

Through the crack in the doorway, Brian peered through, smiling admirably at the sight of Sal still passed out in his bed, snoring away to his heart's content. Brian cooed at the sleeping boy, before pushing the door open all of the way to set the tray down onto the bedside table. Now, though, came the toughest task of all: getting Sal out of bed.

"Sally..." Brian whispered softly, lightly tapping at his boyfriend's shoulder. "I've got food for your fat ass."

At even the slightest mention of food, Sal's eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the sunlight streaming through the open curtains. He rubbed at his eyes to rid himself of the sleepy dust that had formed over the course of the night.

"Quinny," He whined, rolling over and making grabby hands for the older boy. "Lay with me?"

Brian couldn't say no to Sal's puppy dog eyes, as he lifted the covers for himself to climb in next to him, immediately having Sal nuzzling into his chest, feeling Brian's hearty chuckle at the gesture.

"Sit up a bit, ya dope." Brian suggested, taking the tray of food from beside him.

Sal obliged and sat up, resting back against the headboard of the bed, with the covers low over his waist. Brian leaned over and pressed a kiss to Sal's temple, before gesturing down at the spread of food along the tray.

"I made you toast and cereal." Brian stated. "I used your favourite and added extra marshmallows because I know that they're the things that you love most, except for me, of course."

Sal smiled and handed Brian one of the pieces of toast. "I love you."

"Because I make you food?" Brian laughed.

"No...I mean, yes, but more than that." Sal vacillated, smacking lightly at Brian's forearm. "I love you because you know me so well and you make sure that everything is perfect. You're too good for me."

"And you're too good for me." Brian returned, kissing the tip of Sal's nose. "Now eat your Lucky Charms before I do."

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