S C E N A R I O / S I X

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If there's one thing you need to know about Sal Vulcano, it's that he loves touching his comedy troupe partner, Brian Quinn. Sal loves many things about Brian, ranging from the hearty chuckles in his laugh all the way to the soft way his hair flops down when he's grown it out a fair few inches. But most of all, always, he loves touching him.

It's not his fault really. He likes doing other things with Brian, like laughing with him and playing music and video games in hotel rooms; watching him dance weirdly in clubs, but Brian's touch is the only thing that makes the weird knot in Sal's stomach go away. It always comes back to the touching. To which Brian is fine with; honestly, he might've loved it more than Sal if it were possible, but he hates sharing it with anyone else.

In the middle of interviews, where Sal's hand lingers just a little long on his knee or taps too many times on Brian's shoulders, Brian can't help but squirm out of his touch. Especially, if he knows that Joe or Murray see Sal's hand on his body, Brian can't take the thought of other people enjoying Sal the way that he does.

So, Sal stops, and this isn't his fault either. There's only so many times for Brian to shiver out of Sal's fingers before he gets the hint. It's not until Brian truly realises what he's done to Sal when he sees his hands playing with Joe's hair one day during a radio show.

Brian has never wanted to punch a wall while wanting to crawl up in a corner at the same time as he did in that moment. From that day on, every light shrug shared between the two of them brought a fire to his stomach. Still, with all this anger filling and numbing his fingers, Brian had never felt so empty.

He spends almost every day with the man, and yet misses Sal more than ever. So, without really thinking about it, Brian started walking over to Sal's bed in their shared hotel room after a particularly lonely night. When it was too late to be considered night and too early to be considered morning, Brian crawled into bed next to the warm, soft man. He was sleeping, and Brian intended to keep it that way. Hopefully leaving just early enough so that Sal would never notice, but as soon as Brian's long legs came up to curl around his shorter ones, Sal knew.

Sal doesn't say anything, though Brian can clearly tell that he's awake when Sal's breathing pattern shifts. Brian doesn't really care anymore, desperate to make the knot in his own stomach unwind, just to touch him. Sal is always awake when Brian joins him; they fall asleep like this pretty much every night while away on tour.

It's after one night that Sal comes back to the hotel a little later than usual that changes things, when Brian is the one waiting for him. As Sal crawls into the bed with the taller man already tangled in the sheets, he is immediately pushed down against the bed.

In one moment, Brian is on top of Sal, his knee dug a little too far between his legs. Brian nudges his lips into the man's neck, his hands roaming everywhere across Sal's naked chest; like he's making up for all of the time he had missed out on. Sal doesn't stop him; he just lays there and focuses on not letting any sounds out.

After that night, the touching is never enough for either of them. Now Brian's hands are rubbing Sal's thighs while watching movies on the couch together, Brian's little finger catching the younger man's while they walk a little too close to each other, his arm tightening around his waist when a fan asks for a kiss on the cheek. Everything has become Sal for Brian now, which makes Sal laugh considering how opposite the situation was just weeks before.

One radio interviewer specifically gets a little too close to Sal one day before a show that really upsets the older man. Sal has to physically hold Brian back from raising his fists when the host says something particularly offensive towards him, which is hard for Sal to make subtle considering he's trying to control a five-foot-ten comedian.

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