S C E N A R I O / S E V E N

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The clocks struck two o'clock in the morning after a night of going to see his boyfriend in show, Brian wandered aimlessly around the apartment. He was bored. Sal still wasn't home yet after telling him that he wouldn't be long. Brian was tired, but he couldn't sleep without Sal there laying beside him; which could still take another hour before he would be back home and wrapped up in bed together.

Sal was trying to make it as a stand-up comedian, throwing himself into the deep end and working his hardest to get some experience of the career choice. He did shows in clubs, solo nights at bars and was gaining a little status here and there for his work. Meanwhile, Brian worked at the video game store a few blocks away just so that the couple could afford to live in their albeit rather run-down apartment.

It wasn't as bad as they made it out to be, but it was lacking in space, especially when they both needed their own personal space and being so confined together very often had its ups and downs.

Brian walked into their bedroom in search of another layer of clothing, seeing as their money had gone towards the electricity bill rather than the heating this month. He raked through a number of drawers, coming up empty. Brian, himself, didn't have a clean jacket to wear, but, of course, Sal did.

It was a plain black sweater, with a white trim around the collar. A small ink stain of blue was smeared across the white colouring from when Sal spent many a night at his desk writing and scribbling out his jokes and routine. Sometimes, Brian would find him passed out and collapsed over a pile of scrapped paper in the early hours of the morning, too tired to make it back to their bed for the night.

Taking the sweater from the drawer, Brian laid the material out on the bed to admire it, picturing the last time that he had seen Sal clouded in the cotton. His tall frame and broad shoulders filling the sweater, though the sleeves fell past his hands to create sweater paws every time he wore the clothing.

Brian pulled off his jeans and slipped the sweater over his head, immediately being hit with the scent of the man that he loved, as a warming smile played on his lips. It hugged his body, reaching the waistband of his Superman boxers. The sleeves fell past his hands just like they did with Sal.

Stepping back into the living room and dropping himself down onto the couch with a yawn, Brian let the TV play out as he continued to wait. He clasped the remote in his hand and started to watch an episode of a show that he had zero interest in, just waiting for Sal's return.


Sal was exhausted. He was completely drained out from his show at the new bar that had opened up downtown that had been followed by a round of partying. Though, the whole time his mind only focused on the thought of Brian waiting for him. All he wanted was to get home and to go straight to bed.

He jumped onto the first subway that would get him home; his passenger car empty and covered in late night graffiti of the neighbourhood teens. A newspaper rustled in the wind of the gap in the nearby window, as Sal reached for the readable content, pulling open to the reviews page.

One of the last boxes upon the page was titled with his name, as he grew intrigued and began reading. The review had been written on his previous show at the NYC Comedy Club; one that Sal felt confident had been a success.

"Sal Vulcano; the new comedian of the block?" The comment started. "With great laughs and retelling of stories that will have your sides splitting, Vulcano showed a talent that hasn't been seen in the city for years as far as comedians go. He shows great potential for the world of comedy and I hope that people will see how genuine and loveable this guy really is."

Sal smiled to himself, folding the newspaper and stuffing it into his backpack. His first good review had built on his confidence in himself, wanting to continue in pursuing in his dreams of one day becoming a highly-skilled comedian.


As Sal peeked through the door, he came to find the silhouette of his boyfriend on the couch curled into a ball. The living room was dark; the only source of light from the television flashing against the walls.

Sal made his way over to the sofa after locking up the front door to the apartment, as his hand settled at the man's waist gently, stirring him awake. Peering through tired eyes, Brian could see the contours of his boyfriend's face under the low light in front of him, as he smiled tiredly.

"Brian," Sal mumbled. "I'm home."

With a little grunting noise as he moved to sit up, Brian took Sal by the hand and tugged him down to sit beside him. "How was work?"

"The same." Brian shrugged; his voice husky from the short snooze. "I got to test the new Resident Evil game though...that was fun."

His hand moved to rest against Sal's knee as he studied the tiredness in Sal's eyes. "How was the partying after your show?"

"Eh," He dismissed. "It wasn't the same without you, Baby."

"Sorry." Brian apologised.

"No, no, I understand." Sal smiled small. "I didn't really feel like going either but I had to show my appreciation to the manager for letting me perform there."

Turning to his backpack, Sal unzipped the bag and retrieved the newspaper that he had found on the subway. "I have my first good review."

"Really?" Brian asked, as Sal handed him the paper and finding the correct page.

Reading the article, Brian soon set the newspaper beside him, looking to Sal with tears in his eyes. "I'm so proud of you."

"It's not much, but I hope that people will read it and will want to come and see my shows." Sal explained.

"I love you," He proclaimed.

"I love you, too." Sal returned, prying the television remote from his boyfriend's hands and switching the box off. "Come on, let's go to bed."

Sal stood first, reaching his hands out to Brian and tugging the man up onto his feet. He reached his arm around his shoulders and guided Brian through to their bedroom. Brian climbed into bed, waiting for Sal to join him, as he undressed down to his tee and boxers.

Sliding in beside him, Sal's brows furrowed at the sweater covering his boyfriend's body. "Is that my sweater?"

"Maybe." Brian answered. "I missed you and couldn't sleep without you."

"You're too adorable." Sal chuckled, soon shooting him a serious look. "But you get it dirty and you owe me another sweater."

"Tell that to the ink stain already, Babe." Brian grinned. "The number of times you've fallen asleep at your desk over there has amounted into a permanent ink stain on the collar."

Sal's gaze fell to the collar of the sweater, spotting the stain that Brian was referring to as he rolled his eyes. He pulled Brian into his chest, enclosing the man in his arms tightly and dotting a number of kisses to the top of his head. He inhaled the scent of his boyfriend, forming a smile across his face.

"Looks better on me," Sal commented, as Brian heard the smirk in his voice.

"I know." He replied simply.

"Love you," Sal whispered, sensing that Brian was halfway asleep once more.

He returns the words with a sleepy hum into Sal's chest, falling back to sleep now that he was satisfied with Sal's safe return home. His soft snores echoed about the bedroom, as Sal stayed awake a little while longer, just listening to the steady breathing of his boyfriend, before he, too, succumbed to the unconscious world, keeping Brian wrapped up securely in his embrace.

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