S C E N A R I O / E I G H T

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Huddled together on the sofa after a long day of classes, Brian, a twenty-two-year-old, and Sal, still just a young twenty-one, laid tightly knitted together; their limbs a labyrinth beneath the blanket that retained the heat emitting from their bodies.

Peppering gentle kisses to his boyfriend's head every few minutes, as his fingers played with the long, thick strands of hair, there was nothing more that Sal loved than being snuggled up with Brian underneath a blanket after a long day.

The television played in the background, but neither of them were paying any attention to the screen, letting it rattle away to itself across the room. Clad in just a tee and boxers, both boys were reluctant to move from their places, enjoying the company of one another.

Brian was situated on top of Sal, his arms curled around the boy's waist and his face pressed hard into his chest. He could hear the gentle rhythm of his lover's heartbeat seep into his eardrum, as his eyes fell shut at the feeling of Sal's hand playing with the ends of his hair.

Very often this would be their evening. Just being lazy together and talking about anything and everything. They had not long moved in together; a test that they were both scared to take, but the end result was better than they had ever expected. Their faults only emphasised the other's strengths and the couple were harmonious living together.

Lowering his hand down his back, Sal began to trace circles along Brian's back with his forefinger; the tickling touch sending a shiver to run down the longer-haired boy's spine. He could feel the shapes being drawn out to spell 'I love you', as Brian raised his head and let his eyes fall onto Sal's forest hazel orbs staring back at him.

"You're a dork," Brian smiles softly, pushing himself up and letting his lips ghost along Sal's jaw.

"Says you," Sal threw back whimsically; the scent of his love's hair overwhelming his senses.

Brian's smile widens, as he moved to nuzzle his face into the curve of Sal's neck, lining a number of kisses at his skin. He was soft and gentle, like a butterfly kiss, as the touch tickled him. Sal cowered slightly, feeling Brian grow rougher with his approach. His teeth began to sink into the tender flesh, biting hard enough to leave a mark on his boyfriend for all to see.

Bruises trailed down, as Brian pulled at the collar of Sal's tee to expose his shoulder, where he continued with his artistry. The hairs on the back of Sal's neck stood on end; a small whine coming pouring through his lips at the onslaught. His hands claw at the shirt covering Brian's back, scrunching the cotton in his fist, embracing the connection between them.

Pulling away, Brian admired his work through his chocolate eyes, looking up to find Sal watching him. Without saying a word, Sal brought his lips to meet with Brian's in a sincere kiss. His hand curled its way around the back of his neck, as the pair of them flipped over, bringing Sal to straddle atop of the older boy.

The kiss was intense and passionate, drawing every last breath out of Brian's lungs; his heart racing inside of his chest. He moaned lowly; the tone thick and gravelly, feeling Sal's smirk print against his lips in the process.

"You sound good," He mumbled against his lips. "I want to hear more."

Brian could only smile, as his hands ran down Sal's back and gripped hold of the hem of his shirt. Sitting up, Sal hauled the material up and over his head, throwing the clothing onto the coffee table. Stains from previous encounters covered his front; burnt bite marks soldered his skin.

"I'm too tired." Brian pouted sorrowfully, letting his fingers rake through his boyfriend's hair and frowning. "And cold. Can we just cuddle for tonight?"

"Wait there," Sal vowed, as he pulled away and stood to his feet.

Brian laid there waiting, hearing the clattering of cupboard doors and drawers being pulled out and shoved back in from the bedroom, before Sal finally returned. Looking down to his hand, Brian could see that he was holding something, though he couldn't quite figure out what it was exactly that he had.

"What have you got there?" He asked, as Sal grinned at the boy.

Instead of answering, he placed a hand to his legs and forced them over the end of the sofa so that Brian was sat up once more and gave enough room for Sal to sit beside him. "Is that my hoodie?"

"Not quite." He chuckled. "It's mine."

Handing over the thick layer of clothing, Sal continued to talk. "I know you love wearing it when I'm not here but I want to see you in it."

Brian threw the hoodie over his head, pulling it down over himself, soon taking an inhale at the collar, smelling the strong scent of Sal. He snuggled tighter into the material; the sleeves slightly too long for his arms, as they fell over his hands.

"Happy now?" Sal smirked, as Brian cuddled into his chest and nodded his head.

"Very happy." He answered simply.

Sal let his hand rub up and down Brian's shoulder, just appreciating the time that they had together. They didn't need to have sex to feel so intimate; it was the little things that made it all worthwhile. Sure, they enjoyed the sex part as much as anyone else would, but there was something so inviting about just laying together and hearing each other's stories from their day of events.

"Love you, Bri," Sal voiced, chuckling at the sudden hard-pressed kiss to his cheek that made his face mush slightly.

"Love you, too, Sally Boy." Brian returned with just as much enthusiasm in his words. "Can we watch Avengers now?"

"If we must." Sal laughed gently.

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