S C E N A R I O / T W O

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Sal was sat on his and Brian's bed, bawling his eyes out. Nothing was wrong entirely, but he just felt like all of the stress and work from practicing for their upcoming tour had been getting to him more than he'd like to admit. Today was the day that all of the pent-up emotions cracked and forced a tidal wave of tears to come pouring down his cheeks.

Not even half an hour after he started crying, Brian came home to a dark and mysteriously empty house. Joe and Murray were still at their apartment writing stories that they could use in their show after Brian had told them that he wanted to go back home early to spend time with his boyfriend. Though, admittedly, something didn't sit right with Brian at the fact that Sal hadn't even attended their meet up to organise more of the tour.

"Baby?" He called up the stairs, slipping his shoes off in the process. "I'm home..."

Brian frowned, his brows softening at the lack of response, as he decided to try and find Sal himself. He checked all the rooms on the lower floor, even calling out his name in the backyard; his search still coming up empty. After some time, Brian could only come to one conclusion: Sal was asleep upstairs in their room and hadn't heard his name being called.

"Are you okay, Sal?" Brian asked, pushing the bedroom door open, as his eyes fell onto the silhouette of the boy amidst the darkened room; the curtains were drawn, with the only light coming from the streetlight right outside of the window. "You didn't answer-oh..."

Brian came to a stop in the doorway, falling silent at the sight of his love sat on their bed sobbing his heart out. He never knew how to handle emotions, but all Brian knew was that he needed to comfort Sal in his time of need. He looked so small, so broken, there on the bed; like even the smallest gusts of wind through the open window would knock him down like a feather.

"Baby." Brian pouted solemnly, dropping his backpack to the floor beneath him, before rushing over Sal's side, enveloping him tightly in his arms.

Brushing a few strands of raven-coloured hair out of his face, Brian frowned softly at his boyfriend, feeling Sal curl deeper into his chest. "Tell me what's wrong."

Sal shook his head, his tears dampening at Brian's shirt and leaving a wettened patch on the material. "Y-You won't under...understand." He sniffed.

"Try me." Brian reassured. "You know that you can tell me anything that's bothering that precious little overworked mind of yours."

He guided Sal back along the bed, so that they were both laying with their heads along the pillows; Brian's arm slung underneath Sal's neck, holding him close. Brian studied the soft tears that glistened down the boy's face, feeling a hole burn its way through his heart. He let his forefinger poke gently at Sal's cheek, soon squishing his face, as Sal cocked a brow at him.

"Quit it, Dork." Sal's voice was muffled, as Brian chuckled heartily, shaking his head, soon leaning closer and pressing a single kiss to his lips.

"There's the Sal I know." He smiled, settling his forehead against his, so that he could stare longingly into Sal's emerald eyes, never wanting to have to look away from the piercing green.

The two lay together for a while, just enjoying the company of one another, with Sal snuggling into Brian's side and clinging onto him koala-style, unwilling to be taken away so soon. It was the little moments like these that both Brian and Sal felt closest; the times of silence and no words being spoken; the times they kissed for no reason in particular; the days when they could say the words 'I love you' over and over again, never growing tired of hearing it.

"Love you," Sal smiled through tear-stained orbs that still held their red colouring and puffiness. He raised his head up to find Brian already watching over him, his hand gently rubbing up and down his back.

"Love you too," Brian returned without hesitation, pressing a kiss atop of the younger boy's head, meaning every single action that he portrayed. "Are you ready to talk about what had you crying now?"

Sal didn't answer verbally, instead, he nodded his head and shifted further up the bed, sitting up and sighing heavily. "It's going to be okay, I'm right here."

Brian constricted his hold around Sal's shoulders, pulling the boy into his side, as he peppered multiple kisses along his forehead and cheeks; his heart warming at the sound of the soft giggle that escaped his lips.

"It was silly..." Sal shrugged, looking into Brian's eyes and immediately getting lost in the dark brown staring back at him.

"Nothing is a silly reason to cry," He reasoned.

"I was stressed over the tour." Sal revealed, sniffling lightly, as he wiped his nose with the sleeve of his hoodie.

"You're not alone in feeling like that." Brian smiled tremulously. "I'm terrified."

"But you remember your lines better than I do..." Sal frowned.

"Not really," He admitted. "The only thing that gets me through it is...no, it's silly."

"Nothing is silly." Sal grinned, mocking Brian's earlier words, gaining a slight shove to the shoulder.

"Someone's feeling better." He chuckled, as Sal leaned up, brushing his lips softly against Brian's cheek. "Fine, I'll tell you. The only thing that gets me through those shows is having you stood there beside me. You're my rock and I'd be nothing without you, Sal. I really mean it."

"I know you do," Sal appreciated, letting the palm of his hand touch over the older boy's face, feeling the slightest patch of facial hair tickle at his skin. "You're still a dork though."

"Can't deny that." Brian laughed, feeling Sal's hands reach for either side of his face and pulling the two together in haste, kissing the boy sincerely, as they slipped down along the bed, wrapped up in each other's arms where they belonged.

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