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"Oh my God..." The big school and its vast infrastructure took the breath away from the 7 yr old Arya. It is her first day in a foreign school.
"It is best school in Riyadh. People from all over India are attending in that school. " She was nervous after hearing this from her dad. She never mingled with anyone outside her hometown not to talk about another state... To top it off she is not fluent in English . This fact made her nervous beyond limits.
After 1 hr travel they reached the school . Her Mom and dad is with her to see her off. After entering the school compound she felt that she has entered another world. The building is so big with many children ... Everyone was in a rush with their morning chores. Her dad took her to the second class ... 2nd A.. Her new class...
She heard the bell ringing.. " May be for the school assembly" She was still looking around and taking everything with astonishment when the class teacher came towards them.
"Is it a new admission,sir"
"Yes,mam. Mam please take care of her as she is new to a foreign school. She doesn't know English as well".
" Its okay sir. Don't worry . I will take her". Arya was looking at her teacher who must be a North Indian by her accent in English.. " Wow.. she doesn't know Malayalam .. I don't know English or Hindi... Then how will I talk with her." She was on the verge of crying when the teacher called her in. After a goodbye kiss and wishes from dad and mom she entered the class , unknowing what awaited her in her future.
The first thing Arya noticed after entering the class was the students. Especially a gang in the middle row of the class. They where very talkative unaware of their surroundings. They where laughing ,playing and kicking each other . She immediately liked them. They reminded her of her own gang back in Kerala ,her home... She felt a sadness at the memories of her home , hometown, and mainly her friends.
Teacher made her sit in the front row in front of the teacher's table ,the seat next to her was vacant. That was when a girl rushed to the class and nearly collided with the door.
She was of an average built with round eyes and brown hair. She sat next to Arya and smiled towards her.
Seeing a smiling face ,Arya felt a slight decrease in her rising anticipation.
" Stop talking. Everyone listen to me" Teacher called the class to attention.
" My name is Tahira Kauser. I will be your class teacher and E.V.S teacher . Firstly I want all of you to introduce yourself then I will give you your permanent positions . "At the last words there was a loud 'Oh' from the whole class. Arya was staring at the teacher. She didn't understand completely what the teacher has said . "Tahi.... what was the teacher's name... oh boy, she has got a variety name and God she spoke so fast. What am I supposed to do now." She was again feeling that nervousness when the girl from the other side of the row stood and said her name ." Oh... we have to say our name.. okay".
After a few minutes , Arya's head was swimming with nearly 40 or something names she just heard. Some where difficult ones that she didn't understand and some to her extreme relief where Malayalam names like Lakshmi, Aiysha,Chinnu,Shahana... She also noticed that one of the girl from the earlier gang was called Lakshmi, a typical Malayalam name. But something in her made Arya a little wary of her rather than feeling happy. That girl carried herself in a confidence that shouted pride and hostility. Arya wanted to talk with her but was afraid. The ones near her, some smiled but some where serious like Lakshmi. Mostly everyone smiled and Arya felt there where more Malayalees in the class and she got a good vibe.
Then the girl next to her stood and said something like Saman .. no Soman ..." no no way that is a boy's name.. I will ask her later". Then it was her turn, the last one.

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