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'One year passed ... seriously I can't believe it', Arya wondered while looking at the huge building that was her school. She still remembered that first day, she was afraid of this building. The vastness and proudness of that building frightened her. Now she is one among them, one of the proud IISRian.
It was while on her search to find her new class , she saw a girl looking frightened walking with two adults , maybe her parents. Arya smiled at the newbie full well understanding her situation.
After a small search she saw her class.. her new class.. 3rd E...
She paused at the door, took a deep breath. New class , new academics, but still old friends. Her friends will be waiting for her. It was difficult at first even to talk with someone as she didn't know English. Now she had a gang , a group of people who made the foundation of her character. It all happened in a P.E.D period. P.E.D is the Physical Education Period or in simple words playtime. Arya used to sit alone in the huge auditorium of her school. Her main job was watching children of younger age and people of her own class enjoying with bliss.
It was like that of a P.E.D period. Arya was sitting in her usual place when a girl came towards her. Arya noticed that girl before ... she has this round eyes and slim body and the main attractive thing ,her hair.. straight thick hair. She has this smile which was innocent and at the same time naughty.
'Why are you sitting alone ?? Come play with us'. She pointed to a group of people standing few feets from them.
'Hmm Mm.'..
'Oh.. come on yaar ...'
That girl pulled Arya and they walked towards her friends hand in hand. 'By the way, I am Binsiya. I will introduce you my friends. We have been together since our kindergarden.' Arya smiled ,liking her instinctively.
'Guys.. this is Arya..right know... yaya and Arya these are my friends..'
Binsiya pointed towards a curly haired, spectacle wearing one and called her Shabnam. She then pointed towards a fat girl with cute smile and sparking eyes -Anjana. Before she can call her name, a short girl with short black straight hair tied into two ,put her hands on Binsiya's mouth. 'I will introduce myself. Hello Arya ,I am Balkees . Friends and my fans call me Balku (at that the whole group started to laugh.. some even kicked her) okay okay.. u got it nah Arya?'. Arya nodded smiling.
Then Balkees put her hands on the shoulder of the one standing next to her and called her Shahana. That girl with short curly hair just smiled at Balkees then at Arya. Then there was a thin girl.. thin like a drumstick,who was Shurooq. At last Binsiya pointed to a girl with light chocolate coloured skin and short stature. 'This is Chinnu. She is a newbie like you , joined here this year.' They smiled at each other.
From that day on they where the gang . The partners in crime. Eventually Binsiya and Balkees became Arya's best friends. She came to learn English from them and they taught her the ways of IISR. They where the ones whom Arya played with in break time and shared and cracked jokes during free time. It was a relief for Arya to escape from Lakshmi's proximity. So she never missed a chance to run to her friends who was seated in other places. From them Arya learned the art of coping. But that art never worked in case of Lakshmi.
'I didn't learned anything for the test dude.' Arya was hell worried. They have a maths test and she still didn't got a basic idea of the topic. ' Why to worry.. you have the Nerd of the class as your partner. You can just copy from her.' Balkees pointed towards Lakshmi who was discussing something seriously with Selmi. 'May be some maths problem.' Arya thought with dismay. Arya never liked Lakshmi. Even though they are partners , Lakshmi never made her at ease rather she frightened her.
' But...but she never showed me anything.'
'Oh my fool... she will never show to anyone. Its up to you who have to look. LOOK IN TO HER PAPER WITHOUT SHE SEEING.' Binsiya said and pushed her towards her table.
Teacher came and questions where given too. Arya understood the technique behind the first two questions but the rest was like looking into a fog. That's when she remembered her friends. She turned back and saw that they where talking and writing and some was doing actions like speaking to a deaf person. Binsiya saw her looking and she eyed towards Lakshmi . Arya nodded her head and telling her mind to calm down she peeped into Lakshmi's paper. But at that moment Lakshmi did a thing. She just covered her paper with her hair. Literally covered her both sides with her hair. Arya just looked at her blankly and turned back to look at her friends. They where laughing hard and was showing her fake sympathetic face. 'I will kill them later.'Arya thought and again looked at Lakshmi .' What a strange girl she is . Oh my God ... wait... can she breath with all that hair around her?'.

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