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Lakshmi was on her way to see one of the best people she ever knew. Sometimes in friendship, distance comes as a factor, sometimes its time, but for friendships that is already engraved in heart, nothing can cause its damage it. It's been two years... two long years ... never she thought she will survive that day. That day when she got separated from her friends. It was painful at that time but now when she look back it was the starting of another chapter of her life. 'Hey Selmi... Selmiiiiiiiiiiii..... here, here at the door.' Lakshmi waved at Selmi from the door step of 6-A.
'Hellooo... how are you? You are in C section again right.' Selmi made a sad face.
'Yeah. It's okay. They are there with me.' Selmi already knew about the new friendships she forged after they got separated.
'Hey Lakshmi... what's up? How are you? Do you miss us?' Questions after questions bombarded her when the rest of her friends came to see.
'Hold on guys.. I am really fine.' Lakshmi smiled and her heart swelled with pride.
After a small chit chat , she moved back to her class as their recess was almost over.
'Lakshmi, you are late. We are almost winding up.' Arya called from the bottom of the stairs in front of her class. They discovered a new play during the recess. There is a window on the wall opposite to the stairs. And a window sill which was wide enough so that a person can sit. The game is, one will be the catcher and she will stand in between the stairs and the window. Others job is to run between the stairs and window without getting caught. They not only have to run but also have to climb and sit in the window sill. If their foot touches the ground the catcher can catch them and they will be out. It was fun watching them play , the way everyone was trying their best to climb as fast as they could.
'Hey ,what are thinking? Are you coming?' Shahana yelled while she ran from the stairs to climb into the window sill.
Lakshmi smiled looking from one person to another who where enjoying and shouting. Her eyes came to rest on a person whom she never thought she would befriend rather become thick friends. Arya....
When they where in third standard she was busy with her gang and was lost in her pride and seriousness about studies. It was during the afternoon when she would wait for her family friend to pick her up, she started to talk with Arya. She also used to wait for her someone. That was just an afternoon friendship, just for playing and time killing. During morning , Lakshmi never gave her a second glance and she too never came to talk with her. So it was like a deal. Morning-strangers and afternoon-playmates. The cycle repeats for the whole year. Then came that separation day. The day she got separated from her friends and Arya lost some of her thick friends to A section. Almost same situation. It was how she started to talk with Arya, as she was the only one she knew even a little compared to the others. At least she knew her name. There was so many new faces in that fourth grade, the clubbing was a bit severe at that year. Then there was a steady progress in their relationship from strangers to just part time friends to friends to close friends. She is a nice girl and that gang of hers which includes Shahana,Balkees, Chinnu became her friends too. Thought she never became close to them as she became close to Arya.
Then, there comes another person whom Lakshmi still don't know how they became friends. Anashwara. A girl from another class and she was having a few friends of her own like her bestie Arma, Sree Lakshmi R.K., Asma, Rahma, Sree Lakshmi R. Lakshmi still believes that it must the energetic and friendly personality of Anashwara which attracted her. At that time her best friend was Lamiya, a silent and a trustworthy girl. Then Lakshmi was the first class monitor along with Rahma who became the second. This became another factor for the thickening of the relation between them. Then slowly they started to become close. Anashwara, whom they all call Anu, Arya, Shahana,Lamiya,Balkees,Arma, Chinnu,Sree Lakshmi R.K., Arma,Sree Lakshmi R. They played together and commented together and stayed together. Lakshmi always knew that she was a proud jerk in her primary school but she slowly changed her character after meeting with Anu. Anu influenced her a lot, a lot in her character make over and taught her how to be humble and friendly. Anu was truly one of a piece.
'I am coming too.' Lakshmi ran towards them.
'The new one is going to be the catcher.' Shahana who was the current catcher tried to shift it to Lakshmi.
'No. There is no rule like that. Just continue with the catcher. I am just joining you.' Lakshmi said with firm voice. Shahana blinked and shook her head in a yes. Then they continued to play. Even though many of her characters had changed, dominating was a character she was reluctant to leave. It will be useful in future. Lakshmi thought with a smirk.

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