18. ARYA

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The next day it was fun seeing that tensed faces of all her faces. No wonder, they will be worrying about Saira ma'am . The last time she just let it go, but this time..
It was fun breaking the things.. but this tension is horrible.
'Good morning students..' Saira ma'am said while she entered the class.
'Goooddd mmooorrrnning maaammm..' The familiar chorus sang.
Arya looked questioning at Anu and the rest of her friends. Anu nodded her head in approval and they slowly moved to the teacher.
'Ma'am, we have something to say.'
Anashwara said.
Saira ma'am looked up, confused.
'Ma'am, we accidentally broke that dustbin.' Anu said so sadly even Arya felt pity for her.
'Sorry ma'am.' All her friends joined in saying that.
The teacher's eyes flickered towards the dustbin then at them.
'It's okay. I think there is not much damage. Try not to break anything else okay?' Saira ma'am said with amusement.
'She really let us go.. even without any scoldings..!!!!' Arya wondered.
After some silent promises of not breaking anything they moved to their places, a mischievous grin fixed in all their faces.
After a 'problematic' maths period and a 'historical' social period, they had their recess. After recess, an art test. Yeah, last week their arts teacher said they had a painting test on the next class. "Who cares .. arts.. draw anything and give.." was the mindset of the majority including hers but there is exception everywhere. Someone did cared, it seems.
'Arya, I want to say something important.' Shahana said while she pulled Arya away from the rest of her friends and moved out of the class.
'See.. I know it is a bit rubbish, but I want to get full marks in Arts test.'
'Wh.. okay.. you do have a possibility of getting. Don't worry. Do draw with full confidence'. Arya said smiling since she knew Shahana draws beautifully.
'It's not only that. But I don't want to take any chances.' Shahana said with her head hung down.
'What you mean?' Arya looked at her best friend. Her bowed head, guilt filled voice, her need for privacy. 'You mean you want to cheat?' Arya was sure of that when she said it.
Shahana's eyes spoke the truth before her tongue rolled to speak.
Arya don't know what to say. It was not like she never cheated. She was a copycat. That art, Binsiya and Balkees taught her, she had never forgotten, rather she became a master.
But ... cheating for a mere arts test, was something she could not digest.
Arya looked at Shahana, wishing she could speak with her mind, could show her everything in her head, but it was impossible. So she took a deep breath, ready for an argument.
'Girls... everybody ready for the test?' Their Arts teacher asked. She was a small, thin lady, around thirty years of age with scarf around her head. She was a keralite too.
As if on cue, everybody started taking out their pencils, sheets , colours. Arya could not help looking at Shahana. Shahana as if they had a telepathic connection, returned her gaze, smiling.
Forty five minutes passed like a train.
'So everyone give back the papers. Monitors collect.' Teacher said from her table.
Asifa and Jelyn started collecting from both the sides.
In her peripheral vision, she saw Chinnu talking to the teacher. Arya didn't cared. She was busy giving touchups to her scenery. But she cared when the teacher called the class to attention, her voice laced with anger.
Suddenly the class was silent. Pin drop silence...
'Shahana...get up. Did u draw the picture from home and came?'
Teacher glowered.
A lightening hit Arya, burning her to the core.
'How did she.. how she know??' The wheels in her head turned in a fast motion and in her mind she saw Chinnu talking to the teacher.
It was incredible how Shahana said 'no' with confidence.
'But Chinnu said you bought the picture from home.' Ma'am turned her eyes to Chinnu and almost whole class shifted their attention to her.
'Ma'am .. She.. She only said to me this morning. She .. She said she want to have full marks so she is going to cheat.' Chinnu stammered.
Arya looked at Shahana. She was white , pale white as all the blood in her face drained out. Shock and the pain of betrayal struck Shahana to dumbfold. That confident girl she saw moments ago vanished.
Teacher again asked something and told the monitors to take out her paper. Enough, it was more than enough for Arya. She didn't know what gave her the courage but she stood. Stood for her best friend.
'Ma'am, she did draw a picture from home but it was not for the test. It was for me.' Arya pulled out a drawing from her bag and held it out for the teacher to see. Teacher looked at it with a doubt and questioning eyes met Arya. 'Ma'am, she used to draw good. I had her draw this for me as a token of our friendship. Chinnu must have mistaken, when Shahana told her, she drew a picture from home. ' Arya looked pointedly at Chinnu.
Teacher looked at Shahana and she just nodded her head still unable to speak. It was Chinnu's turn to become silent from shock. After that teacher did not said a thing and collected all the papers and left.
Arya ran to her bestie and Shahana's eyes were wet. 'I never thought she will do that to me..' She weeped. 'If you did not spoke for me, ma'am would have cancelled my test.'
'It was your luck dude. Your luck that made you give that extra drawing to me in the morning.'
They had argued for a good time of their recess. But whatever Arya said, Shahana was adamant to give the picture she had drawn from home. At last, Arya agreed and Shahana gave another drawing to her, 'For my best friend.' Shahana had said.
'Yeah really lucky to have you as my best friend.' Shahana looked grateful and Arya felt that feeling of pride swelling her heart.
'I thought she cared for me too. That's why I said to her too.' Shahana was looking at Chinnu with enough venom to kill a dozen of people. Looking at Shahana, at that moment, that day, Arya understood what hurts her most and what makes her more happy.
Well for the first, betrayals especially from her friends can kill her. Whereas something done for her friends can make her smile too.

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