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'Elections... wow.. that's so cool. It is far more better than teachers picking their favourites.' Achsah felt excited as if she was going to do something adventurous. 'Voting is a serious thing anyways.' Achsah thought with a smile spreading in her face.
The day before the elections was fun to watch. Morning itself the hike was building.
'Report cards please.' Saira mam said after taking the attendance.
'Mam, here.'
'Is it must to have full A+?? What about a five A+. I lost in maths.'
'I forgot to take the report card.'
Achsah was on the brim of laughter seeing the buzz the class was having.
'Oh.. they are also participating..!' Achsah saw Asifa and Jelyn moving towards the teacher with reports in hand.
'Lakshmi... She too.. no no way I am going to vote for that one.' Achsah promised herself. She was not too fond of Lakshmi.
'Achsah, you will be voting for asi and Jelyn, right.' Noora said while adjusting her chair next to Achsah.
Noora looked up at Achsah.
'You guys didn't solve that fight, huh?'
'No.' Achsah was not in a mood to discuss it there.
Teachers came and gone... periods after periods ... It was when the Maths class was dragging, Achsah looked at the watch for the hundredth time.
'Why is the bell not ringing.?.' Just when she thought she will die right there and then, mam asked them to do a problem and unwillingly she got into work. After five minutes the bell rang for recess.
'Oh my god, at last.. Thank you.' Achsah hastily put all her books back in the bag and ran out of the class.
'Excuse me.' Someone tapped on Achsah shoulders. She was sitting at her table and was talking with Hasna and Noora.
'Yes.' Achsah turned her head and almost could not believe her eyes. 'A girl from that gang.. why is she calling me... oh my.. I can't believe this.' Thoughts after thoughts ran through Achsah's mind.
'Hey... if u don't ,no problem. I am going.' The girl was turning back.
'What?? Sorry I didn't heard. What did you say now.?' Achsah could almost see the relief in her face.
'Hmm .. ok.. I am Arya. I just want to ask whom you are going to vote for tomorrow?'
'Of course. Asifa and Jelyn. They are our best friends.' Noora injected  before Achsah had a chance to speak. 'Wait Noora ...she is asking me. Listen Arya, I haven't decided yet. Do you have some suggestions.?' Achsah said feeling a bit of irritated with Noora.
'Actually yes. I was asking out for Lakshmi.' Arya said with a smile.
'Hell no... I won't vote for another hell. No thank you.' Achsah want to say these dialogues but she found herself saying,'Okay, I will think about it.'
Noora pouted and turned her head straight so that she didn't have to look at Achsah.
Arya smiled once again and turned to ask another one. Achsah smiled back and did a mental correction.' That gang is not that much bad.'
All the candidates or their friends came to Achsah asking for votes. The recess went like that asking and replying. Only two people did not came.... Only two candidates...
Election day....
'Wait.. whom should I vote. Asi... no she is not talking with me, I will not vote.. Jelyn... no... same goes for her too.. Lakshmi ....never. The rest three who .. who... '. Achsah never felt this difficult to select a thing. 'I will vote for asi then.' But her inner ego did not allowed.
'She is not talking with you then why do you have to vote for her.??' That inner voice was demanding.
All around her people where finishing and folding. It was when teacher started collecting paper, she randomly chose a name from the rest three ,wrote, folded and gave to teacher.
'It is my first vote and I did not even know whom I voted. Poor me. ' Achsah found herself piting.
In front of her, Asifa and Jelyn was sitting along with Hasna .
'What more I didn't even vote to my best friends. They deserve that.' Achsah could not help but feeling a little guilty.
'Its not my fault. It is theirs. They should not have fought with me.' A small satisfaction somewhere inside her budded.

Đecisions ... made in angry moments in the past makes the most funniest memories for the future. 

SMARTIES: Grp made from troubles... Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu