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"Are you a sea lion? Because I can sea you lion in my bed tonight!"

yunho was nice, to say the least, he was like hongjoong, he was yeosangs classmate, who talked to him every so often, but never really spoke to him outside of school. yunho usually sat at lunch with yeosang and seonghwa. yunho and seonghwa were best friends as well, so it made sense for them to eat together.

anyways, yeosang loved yunho, his presence was amazing and he was just as fast as mingi was, and maybe even more. yunho and yeosang were friends, and yeosang couldn't have been happier to have met the older boy.

yunho actually met yeosang the day he had created hehetmon, yeosang had been staring at yunho trying to get the features of a human but in a cartoon style of his own, and thus hehetmon was born. yunho loved when yeosang made stories up about hehetmon, it was cute, especially when yeosang got so into it. yunho could listen to yeosang talk about hehetmon all day.

anyways, yeosang suspected yunho for one reason and one reason only, how clingy the older was whenever they hung out. yeosang loved the attention, he loved it so much, and he just needed to be loved by someone, anyone, because nobody knew about him san and mingi.

anyways yunho loved yeosang and it was apparent, but yeosang actually saw it this time, it was as if he was supposed to be with yunho, it felt right, but he also wanted to be with the others, it was impossible yeosang just didn't know what to do

so yeosang just let everything happen, he let yunho be clingy even if yeosangs boyfriends were watching them both intently.

which is why yunho has his little secret.

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