🍉 take your chances

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one day i looked at you and thought we'd have a whole life together. i thought that if i could talk to you everything would be okay. i thought we didn't have to be lovers to be soulmates... right?

on the contrary, you went and made me believe that all my efforts were for nothing, you made me so happy, and you just messed everything up.. and why? because you met a boy you loved more than you loved me.

it's okay though, because there wasn't anything you could do or say to make me feel like you ever loved me in the first place. i wish i could just hit you, and scream at you, and tell you how much i hate you... but i don't. i don't have the heart to... i dont even hate you.

but what was really stopping me, was the fact that i finally realized, that i wasn't enough, and i felt this way because of you. and i shouldn't. i shouldn't be crying over a stupid boy who broke my heart. and i'm not gonna give you the satisfaction knowing i'm crying about you, because that was probably your plan wasn't it? s

"what are you guys doing here?" his voice rang through yeosang's ears. yeosang was about to burst, he was about to yell and scream and cry.

but he didn't. he was cut off by who he thought were angels, seems like they're his saviors.

"they're here to meet us. do you have a problem?"

maybe they can heal my heart.

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