Chapter 1: A new beginings

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Maddanca Smos was an average girl with dark choclate skin that glowed and bright blue eyes that rivaled the sea. She was as an Angel Wolf, by day a cute highschool age, by night, sexy and legal werewolf. She sat on her small, broken bed gazing out the window in her own world when then she heard her witch of mother yell with her raspy voice. "HEY USELESS!" She called in a horrendous tone, "COME DOWN HERE...NOW!" Maddanca rushed out of the room since she feared she would be beaten and locked in the basement...agian. She was greeted by a overweighted yet large, tall figure with messy purple hair. That was her mother,トイレ, an alcoholic who has a job as a gas station casher. "...yes.." Maddanca said in a low quiet voice which matched the tone of a rat."Pack your shit, youre being sold." Her mother replied without even laying her eyes on her. "Finally.." said Maddanca under her breath. Her mother sharply turned around and slapped her with the force of an elephant which caused her to fall the the dirt stricken floor. "Don't ever call me that agian!" Her whale mama cried. "But...I didn't cal u anything!" Maddanca screeched in rat. "Oh, my bad" トイレ said, taking a swig. A single tear rolled down her cheek over her dark chocolate skin.

Maddanca had an adverage sized chest of DDD 43. Her short pink hair spiked in the front and back, working it's way into a bob at the spiked bottom. The chunky chocolate ears at the top of her head were fluffed and pirked, much like her average sized triple D chest. Black was all the 5'5 wolf kin wore, execpt for when she wore her favorie color, blue. She also wore eye liner like an edgy bitch.

She runs quickly upstairs and pack her bags, which was a small raggedy doll her father gave her before he died in a forklift accident. Tragic. She slowly cascaded down the stairs to be greated by a stranger sitting down on their worn out couch. His eyes awaited her arrival and followed her every move. My rotund mother strugged out of the chair and put on her fakest smile when greeting me. "OH MY LITTLE PETUNIA" She smiled with her dehydrated urine colored teeth. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly, crushing me with her rat bosum. The stench of alcohol and vomit was very pungent and she let goes of me, leaving an indent in her. "This is your new husband, sweetie." She directed her fleshy hand towards a large, grotesque, purple cat. I examen him slowly and he let out a big dumb chuckle. "It's not me who's marrying you..." He pulled out a small chair in which a small green frog sat on. Their size difference was vast. One was large, large and in charge. The other, I could easly shove up my cooter.

I blushed. "N-No!" I screeched! I didn't want to marry a bulll shit bull frog. "You can't make me do this woman!" I shouted at big mama トイレ. Tears welded in my ocean eyes, my mother scowled and her face dropped to the floor in agner. "You will do as I say you fuckin cun!" I bared my fangs and growled loudly. "Now now now," Big the cat said. "Is this any way to act infront of you future baby maker?" That was the last straw. I'd rather slit my throat with the plastic knife that implaed my father to death, than marry that frog! I bloted out the door, pushing my mother asiade.. Well i tired to but her fat ass just wasn't budging so I just runned. Tears rolled down my sharp cheek bones as I ran as far as i can. My mother, a few mins late, yells out my REAL name, THAT I HATE. It reminds me so much of my father who died while trying to open a jar of pickles, the pickle juice was bleach as my mum tried to posion him agian.

I ran for what felt like miles, for what felt like days! But, then again, fatass ness runs in my family, so it was probaly just a good 8 or 10 minuets. I stared into the sky and saw that the full moon was rising. I had to seek shelter quick! People always hate things that are different especialy if you're an Werewolf Angel. After my work out of an escape, I ran into a large house. It looked like a manchan! I was impressed. The door was closed, so I assumed that mant I could enter as I pleased. "H-hewwo?" I coughed. "I mean, hello?" Nobody answers, so I guess that means this is my house now. I was about to mark my teritory, when I heard a distant voice shout "Whos down there?" It seemed to be coming from a bedroom upstrairs. I tripped up the stairs on my tail and busted my ankle. "Fucking shit tards this ass is wack" I complained. My eyes glowed with power as I held my paw over the wound. It was magically healed in seconds, and I contined my way upstairs. I looked at the door that i expected the voice came from. I took my hand and placed it on the door knob and opened it slowly. On the bed was a blue rat thingy surrounded by WOMEN putting their hands all over him. He slowly sat up and gazed upon me. "Who the HELL are you? I didnt order any more girls for my harem." stated the blue spikey haired rat. I blushed deeply as I saw this half naked rat man with his half naked half breed women laying on bed lusting. "S-S-S-Sorry I didn't mean to interupt your...thing....going on." I said looking down at the floor. "Yea" replied the blue rat, "Im having sex with all these women." He smirked. What a baka. "I..can see this" I blushed in frustration. The rat snaped his fingers and all the women got off the bed and pushed their way through the door. "You're kinda cute" He flirted. I Know im HOT. At day im a cute highschool girl, and at night a sexy legal werewolf. I turned around to be spooked by another rat. This time, this rat had white spikey hair and blue eyes that shined like antifreeze. I excused myself to run into ANOTHER rat. THis time this rat had SPIKEy black HAIR? He looked edgier than the rest. Kind of hot too. I freaked out, THEY WERE TOO CLOSE! I started to have a panic attack and fainted. WHere did all these hot boys come from!!!???

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