Chaoer 7: OOps it's the finale

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"GO GO GO!" MAddonca screeched into knuckels ear holes. "We gotta get the fuck outta here boi damn this shit be NUTS"

"Grumph" Knuckles gruphed as he humfed and ran after what felt like hours of running up a green hill, we arvied back at the sonic's house to be met with friendly farmiliar faces. And Amy.

"She's back!" Sonic yelled and blushed when he saw my titties a-jiggling. I hopped off KNuckle's back in a hot sweat. "BOY! That was a work out! I can't belive I ran all that far with my new and imrpoved leg striength!" I Wiped the sweat from my brows. I needed a cold shower and a hot magazine after that intesity. It was almost as intence as when my father would spend a long night, passionitly, with my mother...before she crushed him to death.

"Now is no time to rest...." SHadow stated with a deepedn look in his eyrises. "Your mother, トイレ, will be here shortly and cut our lives to a short end." We all grimmiced at the thought of what she'd do to us if we were found. But what トイレ would do was NOTHING compaired to the fortnight dancs that froggy and fat cat would preform atop our graves. MAddonca and the klan had to find shelter, QUICK! Luckily, like the one in chapter 1, sonic's manchan was directly behind them. "Everbody get inside, quick!" AMy shouted in a desperate,pathetic voice.

"Are you crazy? Thats the first place she would look you pink pingus porpus of a possum!" MAddonca shouted at the pink one. A tear roled down AMy's cheek, probalbly because of the sheer volume that she had just stated her insult. Birds fell from the sky, fish dornwed, silver's silver ears had truned red with blood.

"If that won't work... then we better hide inside!" Sonic stated matter o factly

"Thats a great idea sonic! She'll never find us in there!" MAddonca swooned. The charcaters hastily made their ways behind the newly repaired doors, but not before their heads turned to see a large, wide, 3 headed figure chargin twaords them. It was the antagonist!

"SHIT THEY FOUND US!" MAddanca screemed!

"SCATTER!" Tails mestrsuted. Eveybody ran in diffrent directions, Sonic made his way into the basement, and I made my way upstairs. トイレ KNew she couldn't follow me up, her gargantuine wiehgt would collapse the stairs, taking us all down with her. I was safe, for now... but the darkenss would soon be apon us. The hiding spot I had chosen was the first place I had meet sonic in. His harem rom. Back then, I would had killed my own body b4 ever giving it to him but now, I would do anything to suckle apon his thicc blue toes. I was scared, nearly shitting my self silly. I wonderd what had happend to all my new friends... I even wondered what happedn to amy! "I hope she got stabed to death" I thought out loud. I quickly covered my mouth and looked around. "I HAVE TO BE QUIeT" I remined my slef. Suddnly, I heard small foot steps creep up the stairs. Thats odd? AMy and トイレ were to fat to make such small foot steps, and tails could just float! I froze in my place next to bed and the window. If I must, I would ddo like my father and jump to my untimly death. The door staired to creep quitly open, and standing smally in the frame, was the devious, devilsih fornight pimp... forggy. I gulped heavliy and backed up agiants the wall as far I as i could go, but my ass was nearly as thicc as my tits and I couldn't back go much.

"You have put up quite a fight child" Froggy stated in a deep, and deeply desterbing voice.

"Y-you can talk???" I sputtered out

"And now..." he continued "you will join me in my prosttute ring as my legal age angle were wolf bride, UNTILL DEATH DO US PART!"

"Only... aT... NIGHT!" I screeched and ran to pick up the slimey goblin I had grown to hate. I yeeted that bitch out the open window, and into the glass like grass. I heard a lud splat, and I collasped to the floor. Tears if joy poured down my sharpe cheek bones. "It's over..." siad maddonca. "It's finally over!"

Maddonca made her way down the stairs to the battl feild of a house that she had once almost marked as her own. トイレ and Big the cat stood back to back, surrounded by the side charcters, silver, shaodw, and Sonic. My heart fluttered with joy when I hsaw his face, and turned a green when I saw amy, the little cunt, clingin to his blue biscep.

"HEY MOM!" I screrech. They all tunered arounfd to face me at the top of the stairs, and cocked thwir heads to listen to my words from the top of the stairs. "It's over mOm! I defeated froggy with the power of not-love, and ended our aranged marragie!"

"NOOOOOOOO!" Big shouted "What have you done you... you...! YOU DUMBY!" Everybody gasped at such a disrepectful insult.

"Watch your fucking language there, buddy!" Sonic wagged his finger at the pussy.

"This isn't over Maddaonca SMos!" Big continued. "I'll be back.. With more frogs! And gekos! ANd, and! AND MORE PIMPS"He bolted out th door fram, thankfuly not shattering the wood as knuckles had done so many times nefore him.

"Oh sweaty..." トイレ Started, tears of regret and disapointment puddling in the pockets of her neck fat. "The riches that froggy and big had offered me BLINDED me! I wouldn have never needed to work in that crummy gas statoion again, but now I see the errors of my ways..." She stated, her head pointed down to the floor. THe cast of charcaters gave her a pity smile, about to forgive her sins like a preist to a young, gropible child. "...Is what I would had said if this wasn't all YOUR FAULT!" トイレ slapped moddonca, sending her flying back into the pavment covored wall, leaving a dent. "I dissown you, child" Tori stumped out he the masion, crumpling the door behind her.

"Just.... fuck it"sonic said as he gave up on having a dorr and lock.

"I can't belive it, I'm finally free of my evil mother!" I expressed with tears of joy tumbling over my face like babies tumble down stairs. "Today has the perfect ending, well, almost perfect...." I averted my shining blue orbs over to sonic's not quit rat ones. Our gazes met and out hands entertwined with eacher's. "Soinci I-" I began, but was suddenly interupted by a kncoke at the door! "This better be fucking good..." I murmeed undermy breath. WIth sonic behind me and the other charcters no long relevent for now, I opened the door.

"Hello sweaty..." A tall, skinny legend of a round boi man said. He eyes were hiden behind goggels, and his mustach curled above his thin white boy lips.

"D-ad????" I musted out in disbelife. I couldn't beelive my angle eyes!

"EGGMAN?!" THe peanut gallery shouted!

"Yes, it's me. Maddonca's baby daddy"

"But dad... I thought you dyed several underaged years ago!" I asked confusedly!

"Yes, but now I'm here to add to the happy ending!" He chuckled

"Oh egg daddy! I love you!" I opened my amrs wide to enbrace my long lost alive father.

"I love you too Maddo-" Eggman's word's were quickly cut off by a sharp shoot of a rilefl to his chest.

"GOD IT'S EGGMAN!" Sonic yelled! He pushed the wounded man over and curbed stomped his head till dead. I stood there, trauatized, having just wittnessed the unenevitble death of my father at the gun and feet of my lover.

And that children, is how Maddonca's father tuley die. 

The end 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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