Chapter 5: A morbid rurururu

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Its been almost a month since i ran away from home. My mother's fatass is probably stuck in that chair. I'm glad i did, i didnt want to have wolf angel frog kiddos anyways. I also didnt love as much i loved...sonic. I went down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone (Except silver, he didnt want a filthy wold kin to touch his food.) since it was my turn to cook. We started having chore list for everyone such as, cooking cleaning the dishes, disposing of infant bodies, and gardning. As i started to make some pancakes, a large thumpin knock was at the door. "NANI? Who could it be? Is it knuckles?" I pondered. I wiped my hands on sonic's apron and walked towords the door. I open the door to be suprised by an ungodly sight. "SUPRISE SWEATY!" IT WAS トイレ!!!!! She busted though the door and the door crushed under her weight. In the distance i heard snic yell "WHAT THE FUCK KNUCKLES!!" he ran downstairs to not see knuckles but an absolute UNIT that crushed his door. トイレ looked at sonic and said "Whoa re you and what are you doig in my house?!"

"This isn't you house you obbeased hog!" Sonic yelled! "Who are you!"

"I'm Maddanca's mother.." She siad in a shrill yet deeep raty voice "or should I say.... 漂白!" Everybody gasped! Apperntly tails, amy, and chonker had snuk into the house threw the back window, as expected of side characters. But that was unimportent now, eveyone was shocked at my real name! "I'ts not what you think!" I cired in an attempt to not sound like a lame ass bitch. I HATED my real name. I was named after the man who killed my father when he was stabbed to death while trying to buy non bleached pickles.

As the ruckus of gasps slowly came to a hault, tears wellded in my sparkly saphore spheres phears, and I cried out. "I disowned that name when I left home!"

"And did you tell them WHY you left you're home?" トイレ asked in a gruff voice, raising an eyebrow and lowering her skin.

"B-because dad died?"


Everybody gasped. "Mrrry???" They all asked. I Maddonca knew this would come as a shock to them all, for she was not legal until the nightfall.

"But who would want to mary a filthy wolfkin?" Silver aked, scratching his head where the red trump hat lied. I didn't know how it got there, but maybe he grew one overnight. "No no no!" トイレ belched. "It was the frog who wanted to marry her!"

"A frog... could she mean..." Amy started. What a bitch, MAddonca thought.

"BiG tHe CaT!?!?" EVerybody screamed. "Yes.." Maddonca sighed. "Big the cat and his small ass frog wanted to lay eggs inside of me. I Didnt want to let him though! I'm to hot to be tied down by some slimey ass punk! So... I RAN AWAY!" The tragic rememberance brought sprakling teaars to my orbs. THe whole sitiuation reminded me of the time when my father went out to confront his loan shark about the low insurance rates... and then was hit by a bus on the way home.

"Woah wolf kin! Big the cat is bad news!" Sonic squaked. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Big the cat and "Fortnight" Froggy are infamous for their pregnancy prostotuion ring!" I gasped

"They are horrible people!" Amy butted in

"ThEy ArE hOrRiBlE pEoPlE!" I mocked

"They are horrible people Maddonca!" Tails inquired, shivering and clutching to sonic's arm. What a bottom.

"Now sweaty, come home with me and we can get this whole marrige situation over with." Big mama トイレ said in her powerful rat voice.

"HELL NO!" Maddonca screeched in her less powerful rat voice. トイレ wasnt having anymore of her shit. She lunged at Maddonca but tripped and everyone moves out of the way except the unexpecting Moddonca. トイレ screeched as she fell like the walls of jericho and landed directly on to Maddonca's smooth chocolate legs. A loud thud erupted in the room Maddonca screamed. Her legs, or what was her legs, was crushed by this absolute unit of a mother. "Oop, my bad." トイレ apologized as she rolls her self on her back off of her legs. Knuckles tried to assist her off of Maddonca crippled chocolate toothpick legs, but the act of selflessness was futile. トイレ was just TOO dummy THICC for him to handle and he was left feeling hollow. トイレ eventually got up and brushed all the dirt (and some blood) off her being.

"Are you ok?" Shadow asked. "Can you heal yourself?"

"No I can't fucking 'heal my slef'! This is real life dumbass no one has healing powers!" Maddonca grunted with her last remaining energy and then passed out. "Fucking shit tards this ass is wack..." Shadow said in defeat. トイレ threw maddonca's body over her shoulder and waddles back out of the freshly トイレ shaped hole at the entrance of sonic's mansion.

"You guys... shes gone..." Sonice said. .... "YIPEEE" The boys shouted in joy!

"No soincs! We need her to to progress the plot! Amy cried! "Also... she's my bestie!... my super hot bestie..." Amy said and blushed a deep pink. Deeper than my bloodline. The boys grunted and groaned.

"Oh my god amy are u a homosexual." Silver shreked in homophobia

"Fine, lets go save maddonca I guess" onic sighed in defeat.

And so begins they're gurny to save the angel wolf from herdescusting mother. 

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