Chapter 6: Broken legs, Broken hearts, broken dreams.

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I woke up in starge, drak room. It was nothing I had every seen before! Infact, I couldn't see anything, the room was to dark and musty. A single light turned on, and I saw my grotesque mother standing in the dorrway next the the stained light switch.

"Hello Sweaty...." トイレ's voice rumbled in her stomich, reaching the ears of the battered wolf kin. Maddonca tryed to struggel, but s'he was teied down to a chair! And her legs were broken! And she was to weak to esacpe the clutches of the rope and chair. "It's no use trying to struggle 漂白" トイレ Stated in a flemy voice.

"It's Maddonca" maddonca stated. "And what the fuck mom!?"

"DoNt MoM mE lItTeL CrIpPel!! You've caused enough trpoubbel for me this year, youre gettin married!" She was right, i did cause alot of trouble today, more than the one time my late father was stabbed brutally to death with a frozen frog by a giant purple cat. Maddonca lowered her head and weeped quietly in a very emo fashion. トイレ stomped over to her, lifted and licked her tears of her face. "Stop crying 漂白, you'll ruin your pretty face for your husband." トイレ grunted in a rat-esque fashion. Maddonca swiftly moved her face out of トイレ greasy rough fingertips and darted her eyes towards the cornor of the room to avoid eye contact with the she-beast. "tch.." トイレ tch'd as she rump a dump thumped out of the room. Maddonca, dehydrated, broken hearted and legged continued to weep in her emo pussy fashion.

"Oh woe is me!!!" She cried! "If only sonic was here to save me!" Maddoinc looked out the side window of the crusty room and paused. "I said, "If only sonic would save me!"" A pause. "What the fuck sonic come on bitch damn shit must be Amy's fault." All of a sudden, a large lump of living flesh crashed threw the window! GLass covered the floor in sharpe clumps, and I looked up from my emo lap. God no. PLease, god no not him. My savior to be was nt the non-rat dream snack snoic the hedgehog... It was Knuckels the fucking unit. "Shit" I gulped

Knuckles neck snaped twaord me and he gurnted. I tried to back away, but I was still tied to the chair. Knucels grabbed the ropes around me and ripped them off like ropes. I was freed! "Thank yuo knuckels! Now you can carry me out to saftey!" I gleamed. KNuckles looked down at my shatter legs and grunted. "Knuckles.. No just carry me out!" I pleaded.

"Humph" Knuckles responded. He walked twaord my crippled bones.

"Knuckels please!" I cried! He grabbed my toothpick legs atightly. God No. Imideintly,he snaped my bones back into place inside my quivering body. I screamed in pain and knuckles humphed. With the sheer speed that knuckles yanked my bones back to place also welded them together due to the kinetic energy, making them stay together and became stronger than ever before. Maybe if my dad's legs were as strong as mine, he could had been able to out run the heard of mongeese that he trained in a circus act that trampled him to death. Knuckles squatted before me as a peasent squats before a queen and grunts. "Oh!" Maddonca realizes that he's monotone grunt was instructing her to get on his back. Maddonca followed his orders and hopped on his toned back. Knuckles stood up abruptly and lept through the wall, leaving another monstrous shaped whole in the dingy walls

"Where is she..." Big the Cat stated impatiantly to トイレ as he paced around the same livingroom from chapter 1. Things have changed in this room. It got slightly dirty, there was some broken china, and big mama トイレ chair was broken under her sheer obesity. Froggy, the impatient mother fucker, looked at Big, making him freeze in place. BIg started to sweat prefusly and トイレ looked at him in concerned. Her eyes darted from Froggy to Big and from Big to Froggy. "What..?" She grumbled as her neck fat jiggled with every pronunciation. Big the Cat gulped and weakly spoke out. "The boss is getting impatient, bring out the wife to be." he ordered. トイレ nodded and her neck fat followed as she was trying to accend the stairs, a loud thud shook the ground and everyone halted. Froggy's head snapped towards Big and he intupreted "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" Everyone rushed to the back window and saw a red blur of masculinity run in the opposite direction. SHit was about to gwt cra cra yall.

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