The Covenant Part 1

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'Johnson, man. He was THE character, just an amazing person. he rivaled Roosevelt in badassery too, but that tower is something I will never understand to this day.' 

"There's tower 2," Miranda said, Mane overlooking the large dome that the Profit of Truth was hiding under.

"Tower three? Johnson do you read?" Miranda asked.

"This is Johnson, were pinned down. We could really use a spartan up here." He responded.

"Mane get there!" Miranda ordered as Mane started hauling ass.

"Mam permission to leave the Forward unto dawn." Chief asked. Mane had finished getting to the elevator and had activated it, waiting for the elevator that was definitely too slow to get him down to the ground floor.

"Let me guess, to go help Johnson." She replied. Mane had gotten down from the elevator, jumped off the pad that was holstered it on the ceiling. The marines were done with a sweep of the tower and were waiting for him outside.

"Mam, let 479er pick him up and drop him off. She will be able to get him there quicker." Beta suggested.

"Pilot?" Miranda asked.

"Already on my way." Carol said as Mane hopped into the warthogs driver's seat after signaling the marine to 'get out of my car.'

"Thank you miss Carol," Theta said, to not get a response from the pilot, that or the warthogs engine was too loud for Mane's ears to hear them. He had already been pushing the warthog to its limit, now he was pushing the thing beyond its limit. Breaking the muffler in the process. Him and his marines reached the transport that was ready to take him to the third tower in record time.

"This will take you to the third tower to help Chief." Miranda informed him. He went ahead and hopped into the pilot seat of the leftmost available hornet available to him. The two marines hopped on with him on the sides. He started lifting off leading a way to the third tower for the Pelican that was near them. A banshee swarm started to use hit and run tactics to try to avoid the homing missiles that the hornet came equipped with. Two problems with this strategy, one, the covenant vehicles did NOT allow for fast transitions between fast paced movement and firing. Two, Mane knew of a simple trick when fighting pelicans, there is a segment in time when you can fire homing missiles at the things and the banshee won't know that you have shot them. Mane of course knew this and capitalized on it, but this strategy did have its faults. It let the hornets get shot at, leading to the marines that were posted on the sides of the pelicans to either die from the plasma burn that were inflicted on them or the drop from when they fell off the hornet.

"Focus mane, there is nothing you can do for them when the fate of the universe hangs in the balance," Gamma told him in Mane's neural net. Mane continued plowing through the banshees, flanking as much as possible, taking advantage of the banshee's rotating axis. He then proceeded to shoot and destroy a surface to air wrath that was harassing them from a nearby island. Still he continued, peppering a phantom with machine gun fire, trying to aim for the engine cores at the front angles of the ship. Still it fell back to the cover of the tower behind it, it reached the tower only for the things to be blown up by a form of plasma weaponry.

"Your right Mane, this thing is easier to pilot than it looks." Carol said, not even missing a beat she starts handling the artillery on the left side of the platform as Mane did the same, taking out the surface to air wraths, then the turrets and regular wrath on the main platform. Mane landed his hornet on the right side of the landing area, while carol and the pelican did the same on the other side of the thing. Mane took out his battle rifle and started scaling his way up to the tower. The brutes above started to shoot their brute shots and fuel rod canons at the landing parties.

"Yeet," Mane thought as he used the speed enhancement to jump up onto the top of the tower, holding his battle rifle in his left hand and his energy sword in the other. The brutes were soon left screaming in agony as Mane dismembered them one by one. The fuel cells that were up there soon found themselves thrown down at the last resisting brutes.

"Mane!" chief shouted just before throwing the soldier his ever iconic Brute Shot, which he caught, and started to pepper the brutes in their way. Reaching the inside of the tower, just before the main doorway.

"Arbiter, you failed to mention the Devil being here." An elite said, causing Chief to give Mane a weird look.

"Long story," Arbiter said, popping out from the cover of the corner. Making an opening for everyone to start gunning down the brutes in their way. They proceed to enter the main foyer, much like the last. Except this one was oddly quiet, too quiet. They advanced a few more steps almost to the central shrine, only to see four hunters in their way.

"Blasted worms!" An elite exclaimed in frustration, seemingly about to get shot by the hunters. Only for Mane to punch the ground, causing a bubble shield to appear in front of them.

"What?.... Thank you devil." the elite said, moving to cover as Mane got up and walked over to the edge of the shield only for it to disappear along with him. He turned on the active camo unit, hiding.

"What is the skull helmet planning." An elite asked.

"I don't know but I do know that we should look for a signal." Arbiter responded, only to be interrupted by a red blade showing itself in between two hunters. The hunters proceed to get cut in half by the red blade, Mane proceed to run back to cover.

"You did not get all of the hunters devil." An elite said, to which Mane gave him a look that said 'are you going to pull your own weight? NO! Fine i'll do it myself'

Mane left, for the elites to hear a bunch of explosions, lutgolo screams, and grunt screams. Most sicking of which was when mane showed up with his armor covered in orange blood, and his arms covered in blue blood. The elite that said the rude comment simply gulped and ran towards the back door of the tower. The rest followed suit without comment, primarily out of fear.

"DEVIL!" One of the brutes exclaimed when encountering the group. "Come at me!" it roared. And mane was more than happy to engage it and its brothers. He ran in, sword out. 4 of the brutes with maulers, and one of the two with spikers tried to shoot him. But he was too fast, even without the speed enhancement to get caught by the weapons. Mane proceed to fall into a baseball players slide to cleave off the bride's leg. The other brutes stopped in shock at the speed of the spartan as the first brute's spiker fell out of his hand only to be caught by mane's outstretched left. He proceeded to shoot another brute in the head as he finished off the first while the others were being gunned down. They walked through the last door to the elevator.

"We will guard your way out, go!" The elites said, causing Mane, Thel, and Chief to climb aboard and start going up. They got up to see a brute with a machine gun in the middle and a bunch of brutes with camo in the surrounding corridors.

"Arbiter, you will handle the left corridor, Mane you have right. I will deal with the chieftain." Chief said, priming his assault rifle as he did so. Mane and Arbiter go into camo and draw their energy swords, and going into camo. Chief then opened fire on the chieftain only to get shot by two of the brutes on Mane's side. But before any real damage could be done to Chief's shields, Mane had taken them out. But the turret wielding brute had opened up before Chief could inflict any real damage on the beast. Arbiter had found his first brute, but had not found the second. Chief then decided to sprint out only to slow down and jump over a cluster of grenades from Mane's Brute Shot. Chief had proceeded to flip over the brute, peppering it as he did so. Causing enough damage so that the Arbiter could kill it with one headshot from his carbine. The brute had thrown a fist behind him in an effort to kill the hyper lethal spartan. Only for him to roll out of the way, and the Arbiter to shoot him in the back of the head.

"Dim the tower Demon." The Arbiter said. 

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