keep moving forward

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A man with a back etched with intircuite looking scars is seen sitting at a workbench. Smoke is seen traveling across his shoulders as he looks down a microscope looking device, a computer screen and a sun showing through a window; lighting the project in front of him. The door behind him opens to cast a light over him. He responds by by putting up his soldering iron into its table holster. As he did this a shadow was cast around him still illuminating his back, showing a wheelchair as the camera pans forwards towards Jaune.

"What are you doing still tucked up here building on your table?" Summer asked, putting a hand on his back.

"I could ask you why you are not over in the medical bay, they still need to watch the shotty job I did on your ribs." Jaune responded, as Summer looked over to his desk to see a picture of Jaune and Ruby, her daughter. Her eyes widened, but she did not let her reaction grow beyond that.

"Why do you keep on trying to build me an alternative to my spine?" Six askes, tearing her eyes from the picture of her daughter and the teenager sitting before her.

"We will go to Johnson tomorrow, see what suits he has in mind for you." Mane responds, picking up a tshirt and pulling it over his head. "Though I don't know why I can't rebuild your spine, I managed to rebuild a frieking frigate on my own."

"Tomorrow, and the human body differs greatly from a hunk of metal meant to fly through space." Six responds, Jaune proceeds to walk to the other side of Six and shut off his lamp and soldering iron at once by the power strip mounted to the wall. "How about we get you some new armor?"

"The war is over, I have done my part. And I have no use for the suit." mane replied about to take the handles of the wheelchair.

"Wait, this is for you." Summer said, pulling out a cloak from a bag hanging from her wheelchair. And handing it to Mane. "to cover up the arm and the scars."

Mane looked down to see his scars going down, all the way down from his torso to his right arm, even to the palm of his right hand. Each intercintley made to flow yet to be in light to be the most painful when branded. His left arm not having the same problem, him being relieved of it all those years ago. "Thanks," was all he could gingerly muster, sliding it onto his shoulders. He then proceeded to pull the hood over his head and start pushing Summer's chair over to the medical area.

"Did you know my daughter well?" Summer asked as they walked... rolled down the hallway.

"Yes, I was the leader of team JNPR, and she the leader of team RWBY." Jaune replied, getting a look from Summer as she looked back at him. "Yes it was confusing, that was Ozpin for you." he replied to the look, getting a chuckle from Summer.

"So, how did she take you... your method for getting accepted into beacon?" Summer asked, as they got through a door to a garden. Where they stopped for a little bit to admire the life growing.

"She took it amazingly, she didn't care." He replied getting a shocked look from Summer, almost of concern that her daughter didn't give the correct reaction to the boy. "No not like that, she meant it in a 'what does it matter if we are all here to become hunters, despite how we got here' kind of way." Jaune replied giving her a sense of pride in her little girl.

"What about Yang? Summer asked, only to receive a scoul from Jaune as he grabbed his lower chest.

"She was, pissed as hell." Jaune replied, and explained what happened to him. In its entirety, to summer.

Scene change to show a girl with a long red hair, unkempt by the months of not caring enough. The girl is currently sitting on a workbench, working on her weapon and a large section of arm armor. A lamp illuminating the area around her. She is currently wearing an old pair of jeans and a shirt,

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