The end of THE WAR

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A Scout Hog is seen speeding up a ramp to a frigate known as the Forward unto Dawn.

"Gun it, Chief! Jump! Floor it! Right into the hangar!" Cortana yelled at Maine through Chief's built in speakers. The seat that Maine sat upon had sweat seeping into it from his primarily scar tissue back. He upshifted, trying to get as much speed as he could so that he could get to the hangar that lay docked in front of them. The Warthog makes the jump, but doesn't land well, tumbling and rolling as it crashes into the Frigate's hangar with a massive clang. The group of four recover, having been thrown from the hog. Only for the Dawn to shift to the right. A Scorpion Tank begins sliding towards the Arbiter and Johnson, who takes cover behind a pile of crates, thank god those weren't filled with grenades. The tank plows into it. The Chief leaps over the Warthog and hesitates, seeing the Arbiter digging himself out of the crates. The Chief nods at him then Maine, and both nod back. The Arbiter grabs Johnson and yanked him out of the pile of boxes. Maine follows suit, taking a second route, knowing his rout due to all of the layouts being the same between the Forward unto Dawn and the Mother of Invention. The group of three rushes to the bridge while the Chief runs to the hangar panel and plugs Cortana in to take control of the Frigate.

"Hang on!" Cortana yells throughout the ship as Maine braces as he runs up a group of stairs, as her image appears from a Holotank next to the panel back with chief. Cortana ignites the thrusters at full burn and launches the Dawn at full speed. The Chief grabs onto the terminal, hanging on for dear life as the Dawn leaves Halo's atmosphere as Maine is seen powering through the G forces assaulting him. As the Chief tries to stay anchored, the Warthog flies out, striking the Chief on its way through the open hangar doors and out into empty space. The Chief flies off the panel, then glides down the floor towards the doors, with a self-destructing Halo looming beneath. The Chief punches his fist hard into the floor to get a grip, halting near the back end of the hangar. Cortana reaches out her arm towards him, scared of losing him.

"Chief!" Cortana yells, extending a hand outwards.

The Scorpion flies out towards the Chief. He ducks his head just in time as it flies over him, narrowly missing the Chief but smashing the floor behind him and falling back towards Halo. The Chief begins to climb back up to Cortana, finally making it to the Holotank. Meanwhile, the Arbiter makes it to the bridge and sits down at the controls. The Chief braces behind the panel, plugging Cortana back into his helmet.

"If we don't make it..." Cortana starts.

"We'll make it." Chief replied as he reflected Maine's new attitude of 'FUCK DESTINY!'

"It's been an honor serving with you, John." Cortana replies anyways.

The Chief finally rests his head back, exhausted. As Maine does the same with one of the chairs behind the Arbiter on the bridge. Halo suddenly explodes, engulfing the hangar in a blinding white light. All goes blank.

On a hillside near the Gateway to the Ark, which has now been shut down, Marines gather. Fleet Admiral Lord Terrence Hood removes his hat, and begins his speech.

Lord Hood: "For us, the storm has passed. The war is over. But let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return. For their decision required courage beyond measure..."

The front half of the Forward Unto Dawn enters the Earth's atmosphere, and crashes into the Indian Ocean, of course everyone made it back before the speech started.

Lord Hood: "...sacrifice, and unshakable conviction that their fight, our fight, was elsewhere."

Background Memory continued: An engineering crew cuts into the Dawn with torches. The Arbiter emerges from the wreckage, and walks over to see Maine helping a wounded Johnson. His ACL being broken by the crates that landed on him and the arbiter.

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