The river

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"Ed?!" Peter called as he ran through the corridors, looking everywhere for his brother.
After fifteen minutes of searching he stopped, leaning against the wall as he panted, frown spread across his face.
He couldn't find Edmund anywhere. His heart skipped a beat as he swallowed hard, heading back up to his room.
Once there Susan and Lucy looked up at him, a hopeful look in Lucy's eyes.
"Where's Ed?" Susan asked when she realised it was just Peter.
"I thought he might of come back here." Peter sighed.
Susan shook his head. "No." She muttered. "Can you not find him?"
Peter shook his head. "He's literally dissappeard." He said before sighing. "I'm going back to look for him."
Susan nodded her head. "We'll help." She said before noticing the worried look on Peter's face. "We'll find him Pete." She said gently.
Peter sighed. "Yeah." He mumbled before rushing out of the room again, his sisters following.
"Split up." Susan said as Lucy closed the bedroom door behind them. "One of us will find him quicker that way. All meet in the throne room in fifteen minutes - even if you haven't found him. And if we haven't found him then we'll figure out what to do from there."
Peter nodded before dashing off to his right, Lucy went left and Susan ran straight on, hoping that they'd find him.


"No sign of him?" Susan said, panting as she reached the throne room and only saw Peter and Lucy.
Peter shook his head. "I've looked everywhere!" He exclaimed.
"And me." Lucy sighed.
"It's a castle, there's only so many places he can be!" Susan said. "He really needs to stop running off like this."
Peter bit his lip. "He's scared Su." He muttered. "I don't blame him for running off."
Lucy nodded slowly. "Me either." She muttered.
"Still-" Susan sighed, not finishing her sentence.
"I even checked the secret room in the library." Lucy said. "He's not even there."
"Gardens?" Peter asked.
"He's not there." Susan said with a shake of her head. "I checked it already."
Peter bit his lip. "I'm going to check the woods." He said.
Susan frowned. "You really reckon he'll be in the woods?"
"I don't know where else to look!" Peter exclaimed before he dashed out of the room.
He ran as fast as he could outside, literally slamming the door shut behind him before running across the gardens and out of the small side gate.
He ran through the woods, looking everywhere and calling Edmund's name, but everytime there was no answer.
Peter soon got so deep into the woods that he told himself that there was no way Edmund would come this far. He sighed and was about to head back when he spotted something, or rather someone.
Edmund was sat with his back to him, by a - by the looks of it - rather deep river - his legs dangling over the bank. He didn't seem to care in the slightest that his legs were getting extremely wet.
Peter slowly walked over to his brother and sat beside him, deciding not to put his legs in the water like Edmund had.
"Ed you scared me." Peter sighed. He watched as Edmund bit his lip, but didn't look up at him. "Why did you run off like that? And why did you come this far?"
Edmund shrugged slightly. "I didn't realise I'd come this far." He mumbled, kicking his legs in the water.
Peter nodded slowly. "Ed, I know this is alot to take in-" He stopped for a moment when Edmund snorted, before continuing. "But it's all gonna be okay."
Edmund nodded slowly but kept his mouth shut.
"Come back to Cair." Peter suggested. "We'll get you dried up and then we'll talk."
Edmund didn't move.
"Edmund this water's freezing." Peter sighed. "You're gonna catch a cold."
"It's only my legs." Edmund mumbled in reply.
Peter sighed. "So." He said. "Just come home."
Edmund hesitated as he watched the fast flowing river, staring at the waters surface for a while before nodding.
Peter smiled. "Never come across this river before." He mumbled as he stood.
Edmund shook his head. "Me either." He replied. "I only found it today."
Peter bit his lip. "Don't think it looks very safe though." He said wearily. "It's rather fast flowing."
Edmund nodded in agreement.
"Come on then." Peter said, holding out his hand to pull Edmund to his feet.
Edmund turned and reached up for Peter's hand. He'd almost grabbed it when he slipped, falling off the bank and into the river.
"Ed!" Peter shouted, falling to his knees and reaching out to grab his brother as he re-surfaced, gasping for air.
"Grab my hand." Peter said quickly.
Edmund did as he was told and Peter pulled him out of the river, relieved that his brother hadn't been carried down the river.
Edmund coughed as he was pulled up beside Peter, dripping wet and shivering.
Peter's eyes were wide in shock as he wrapped his arms around Edmund, feeling him shivering. "That was too close." He whispered.
Edmund said nothing, his teeth chattered as he curled up in Peter's arms.
"Now we really need to go back and get you dried." Peter said with a smirk.
Edmund managed a weak smile for his brother before he was pulled to his feet.
"Come on." Peter sighed, keeping his arm around Edmund's shoulders as they headed back to Cair.
Once they'd arrived they spotted Susan and Lucy, peering into the ball room.
They looked back when they heard the main door open and their eyes wide when they saw Edmund absolutely dripping wet, shivering with Peter's arm wrapped tightly around him.
"What in Aslan's name happened!" Susan exclaimed.
"He fell in the river." Peter said as they both ran over to join them.
"What river?" Lucy asked, frowning.
"One in the woods." Peter replied.
Susan nodded and looked down at Edmund, frowning when she did.
Edmund was still shivering, his teeth chattering and a rather dazed expression across his face. His lips were blue and skin pale as his hand gripped onto Peter's tunic.
"Pete his lips are blue!" She said quickly, panicking.
Edmund dazily looked up at her sister, not quite sure what she had said.
Peter swallowed hard, looking down at his brother. "Come on Ed." He said softly, catching his brothers attention. "Let's get you dried and warmed up."


know I said I wasn't posting until Monday, but I got home earlier than I thought today (half past eight (pm)) so I decided to post 😊

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