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Susan quickly set about getting rid of the rest of Jadis' little troup. First the dwarf, then the hag, then one minotaur and then, after Peter had ducked out of the way, the other minotaur.
As soon as Peter was free he dashed over to his brother, kneeling on the floor beside him.
Edmund was still in the exact same position that the witch had put him in, flat on his back with his head up as far as it would go.
"Ed?" Peter asked, taking hold of Edmund's head carefully and bringing it down, turning it so that Edmund was looking at him.
"Pe-" Edmund swallowed hard, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Shh Ed." Peter sighed. "I've got you." And with that he lifted Edmund into his lap, causing Edmund to let out a half strangled gasp and collapse against his brother. "Sorry." Peter mumbled.
"Peter he needs to kill the witch." Came Susan's voice as she, Lucy and the others ran over to them.
Peter glanced at Jadis, who to his relief was still alive, but for how much longer?
"Lucy, his sword's over by the river." Peter said hurriedly.
Lucy nodded before dashing away, looking everywhere for Edmund's sword.
"Ed?" Peter asked as Susan knelt beside them, a look of horror on her face as she saw the state her younger brother was in. "Ed you need to kill her."
Edmund slowly glanced up at him, leaning further against him as his mouth opened. "C - Can - Can't." He eventually choked. "Too - Too w - weak."
Peter shook his head, refusing to believe him. "No you're not Ed." He said, pulling Edmund up into a sitting position, only for Edmund to collapse back against him the minute he did.
Swallowing hard Peter sighed, watching as Lucy ran over with his sword.
"Here." She said, holding it out for Edmund to take. But Edmund just stared at it, looking dazed as he shivered.
"Ed please." Susan sighed.
"Edmund you're gonna die if you don't kill her." Peter sighed.
Edmund turned to Susan. "You - You should've just - just killed her." He said, sounding like he'd just ran ten miles.
Susan shook her head. "You would've died if I did." She said.
Edmund swallowed hard, trying to keep his breathing even. "I - I can't - do this - this anymore." He said, tears rolling down his cheeks. "H - Help me."
Peter's heart shattered then and there as tears appeared in his eyes. "Edmund, only you can stop this." He said sadly. "By killing Jadis."
Edmund glanced over at the witch, who was gasping in pain, her eyes wide with a look of shock on her face. Then he looked at his sword that Lucy was still holding out for him.
With a deep breath he summoned all the strength he had left and grabbed the sword from her, trying his hardest to keep it off the floor.
Peter nodded and helped Edmund shuffle over to sit beside Jadis.
"You can't - can't do this Edmund." She spat, smirking even with the position she was in. "You're - way too - too weak."
Peter tightened his grip around his brother. "Yes he can." He spat back. "And he will."
Edmund nodded slowly and Peter helped him to raise the sword.
"Peter let go of the sword!" Lucy suddenly screamed just as they were about to bring it down on the witch. "Edmund has to kill her, and only Edmund."
Peter sighed, but he knew that she was right, so he carefully let go of the sword.
Edmund used every ounce of strength he had left to bring down the sword, stabbing Jadis in the chest. She let out a horrible gasp before... nothing. The witch was dead.
Edmund slumped against his brother, his sword falling out of his hands to the floor.
"You - You did it." Peter choked, smiling a little. "You did it." He repeated as he hugged his brother.
Despite everything Edmund couldn't help but smile as he slowly nodded his head.
"How you feeling?" Peter asked quickly.
"Peter." Susan sighed as she moved back over to sit beside them, Lucy following. "It's gonna take some time for him to get his strength back." She sighed.
"How do you know?" Peter asked.
"That book we read, it said it in there." Susan replied.
Peter slowly nodded and looked down at his brother, who was slumped against him, wet, cold, pale, bruised, and beaten. Swallowing thickly he placed a kiss to the top of his head, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"L - Love y - you." Edmund choked out.
Peter smiled. "Love you too." He mumbled.
"We need to get you both back to Cair." Susan said.
Peter nodded. "Come on Ed." He mumbled. But Edmund was fast asleep, either that or he'd past out. Peter sighed.
"I will take your brother." Orious said, walking up to them with the fauns behind him.
Peter hesitated but after a firm look from Susan let Orious lift Edmund off the floor and into his arms.
"My - My cordial won't work will it?" Lucy asked, sounding hopeful.
"I'm afraid not your majesty." Said one of the fauns. "It won't even work on his injuries. All part of the hags spell see." He added at Lucy's shocked look.
Lucy nodded slowly, but sighed all the same.
"As soon as we get back to Cair his injuries are gonna need cleaning." Peter muttered. "Big time."
"What - What happened Pete?" Susan asked, grabbing Jadis' wand off the floor before the group began walking, Peter keeping a close eye on Edmund in Orious' arms.
"She - It was a trap basically. She captured us and locked us down in her dungeons. She kept us there for days, her plan to make Edmund as weak as possible before challenging him to a duel." Susan's eyes went slightly wider as she listened, Lucy taking hold of her hand and listening too. "Jadis hurt him so much, tortured him. No food, no water, no way of keeping walm." Peter sighed as he swallowed hard.
"How did you end up in the woods?" Lucy asked.
"We managed to escape." Peter answered. "But she soon found us. Edmund then had no choice but to duel her. But he was so weak. She nearly killed him, nearly- drowned him."
"What?" Susan whispered.
"She threw him in the river." Peter choked. "I had to go in a save him."
"I wondered why you were both so wet." Lucy muttered.
Peter nodded a little.
"Well, atleast you're both safe now." Susan said positively.
Peter nodded, walking over to walk by Orious and placing a hand on Edmund's shoulder. "Safe." He whispered to himself, smiling.


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