Lost it...

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6 Months later

YN-Here baby. You say while handing Daniella a warm cookie.

DJ-Mommy mine?

Diggy- 2 year olds use their words DJ he says raising his eyebrow.

YN-Here DJ. *Give him a cookie and kiss his forehead*

DJ-Thanks beautiful *Blows you a kiss*

Diggy-*Throws popcorn at your round stomach as it fly's back off* That's crazy! He said while laughing.

Daniella-*Sitting on Diggy's lap laughing*

DJ-*Puts his hand on his forehead and joins in*

YN-Very funny! You say rubbing your large stomach.

Diggy-Look it's snowing.

Daniella-Oh! Mommy look it's so pretty! She says trying to get out of Diggy's grip.

Diggy-*Looks at you* *pretends to bite you*

YN-*Rub your belly bump and raise your eyebrows* Pretty hot Huh? You mouth to him.

Daniella-*Starts whining* Daddy let me goooo!

Diggy-*Kisses the top of her head* No.

DJ-*Smacks Diggy's muscular arm* Let my sissy go mister!

Diggy*Sits Daniella down as she runs to the window* Say it again.


YN-Is he gonna get it? You ask signing a Christmas card.

Diggy- Mission attack miniature Daniel in session.

YN-*Pick DJ up and stand him on your belly*GET HIM BABE!

Diggy-*Runs and starts tickling DJ*

DJ-*Laughing* DA-Daddy! I'm s- *laughing* Sorry!


DJ-I said sorry! *Holding his stomach as Diggy's big hands tickled him else where*

YN-Okay I think he gets the hint. *Sit DJ on your hip and kiss his forehead.

Diggy-Now you stealin my girl!? We are not finished he says leaning down and putting his forehead on DJ's.


YN-I guess he told you.

Daniella-*Laughs while still watching the snow fall from the window* Flip your hair like you did on T.V. Mommy.

YN-*Flip your hair* Guys Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer is on now!

Daniella-*Runs to Diggy as he picks her up and you all walk into the living room*

All sit down.

Diggy-*Humming* Grandma got ran over by a reindeer...

YN-This is your shit Huh you say turning on the electric fire place and turning off the lights to join your family on the couch.

Diggy-Hells yes. *Pats his lap for you to sit down*


Diggy-*Pretends to pout*

YN-*Lay your head down on his lap and wrap your arms around his waist as he drapes a blanket over you* I need a nap.

Diggy-*Phone rings* Hello...oh...right now... Man it's 3 days until Christmas and my wife is going to be having my child in a few days...Man whatever. He finally said, hanging up.

YN-What's wrong? You say while smiling at your kids on the other couch who were glued to the cute Christmas cartoon.

Diggy-I gotta go put some time in, in the studio babe.

YN-*Lean up* Right now!?

Diggy-It's either now or right after we open gifts on Christmas...baby I'm sorry!

YN-*Roll your eyes* *Fake a smile* It's fine bae. Just please drive safe in the snow and be home by 11?

Diggy-*Rubs your baby bump then kisses your forehead* I promise! *Holds out his pinky*

YN-*Lick his pinky* Goodbye.

Diggy-That was really cool. AYE kids I gotta go.

Daniella-Yeah, yeah, yeah we will see you when you get back.* She said while never looking away from the T.V.*

DJ-*Waves at Diggy* Bye daddy. He said with a huge smile.


Diggy-*Waves back* Bye DJ. *Hugs both Kids at once then heads to the door until Daniella tugs on his pants*

Daniella-Bye daddy! She giggled.

Diggy-Phew! I was gonna cry in the car *Leans down and hugs her as she steps on his shoes* Bye baby.

--12:00 A.M.--

Diggy-*Crawls in bed* wh- what in the hell- is th... *Puts his hand down in the sheets and feels thick, wetness*

YN-*Turn over*

Diggy-*Pulls his hand out* *Starts crying* Damn it. He mumbles to himself.

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