To Be Or Not To Be

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Doctor-Okay continue pushing YN.
Diggy-Your doing great baby *Kisses your forehead*
Doctor-It's a girl!
Diggy-*Smiling wide* Awwwe another little YN.
Diggy-Baby she is so beautiful. *Holding your baby girl*
YN-Obviously. *giggles*
Diggy-Yeah I am pretty cute.
YN-*Roll your eyes*
Nurse-Congratulations Mr. And Mrs.Simmons. A name perhaps?
YN-Oh duh. *laugh*
Diggy-How could we forget to name her!? *Laughing*
Nurse-*Joins in on the laughter*
Diggy-Well baby what about Angela?
YN-After your sister? You ask adoring the view of your husband and newborn.
Diggy-Yes, she looks just like her.
YN-Okay I'm down.
Diggy-Holdin' it downnnn.
YN-*Laughing* Ouch! *grip your sides*
Diggy-You good babe? He asks furrowing his eyebrows.
YN-Yeah. We're going to Name her Angela YN Simmons. *Smiling*
Diggy-Here baby *Hands you Angela*
Angela-*Looks up at you*
YN-Dig she has your eyes! Aweee. *Kiss her little forehead*
Diggy-Thank God she has your nose! He says poking your nose quickly with his pointer finger.
YN-Thank the heavens above. Maybe we should know thank god for my nose.
Diggy-May we all bow our heads.
--4 Days Later--
YN-What's up mambo rambo?*Make a stink face*
Daniella-Nothing where's the baby!?
Diggy-All hail the next Simmons.
YN,DJ,Daniella-What? *Laugh*
Diggy-Sounded pretty cool to me. He said sitting the baby carriage on the floor.
Daniella-Oh my gosh mommy she's perfect! *Kisses her forehead and pets her*
YN and Diggy-*Laughing hysterically*
YN-*Pets the air* What is she doing?
Diggy-*Laughs harder*
DJ-My turn sissy.
Angela-*Smiles at DJ*
DJ-Hi. I'm DJ Angela. It's nice to meet you, I'm your older bwother.
Diggy-*Takes a picture*
Angela-*Starts crying*
Diggy-*Takes her out the carrier and brings her in the kitchen* Baby lift up your tit.
Diggy-She's hungry.

YN-*Laugh* Lemme have her Daniel.
Diggy-*Kiss her then hands the baby too you*
That Night--
Diggy-You have to count munchkin.
Daniella-*Laughing* 78,79,80... She counted as her dad did push-ups with her on his back.
Diggy-Keep going!
DJ-Haha. Mommy the baby is cute he says while sitting on your bed with you holding his little sister.
YN-*Smile and take a picture*
--Phone Rings--
YN-Hello? Oh hey Perry!
Diggy-*Stands up dropping Daniella and snatches the phone from you*
Daniella-Ouch! Mommy I think I have a boo-boo!
YN-*Take Angela from DJ and sit her in her bassinet* Come here baby you say leaning down close to her.
DJ-Are you okay sissy?
Daniella-*Pulls up her pant leg to show you her bruised knee*
YN-Awee you'll be okay sweetheart! Come on baby. *Kiss her forehead then pick her up*
DJ-Silly daddy!
YN-*Giggle* Silly daddy!
DJ-*Laughs* Silly daddy!
YN-*Grab the first aid kit and wet a paper towel* Okay ready baby?
Daniella-*Shakes her head yes*
YN-*Wipe her blood away with the wet paper towel as she winces a little* Awe it's okay my love. This next part won't hurt at all.
DJ-*Holds Daniella's hand as he stares at her*
YN-*Put neosporin on her boo-boo, then a band aid and kiss it* All better?
Daniella-*Smiles* Thank you mommy.
YN-Your welcome! Let's go find Daddy so he can say sorry.
*All walk back upstairs*
Daniella-Hi daddy.
YN-Dig you dropped her, she hurt her knee.
Diggy-Oh I'm sorry.
YN-*Look in his eyes to see that their red as if he had been crying*
DJ-Are you okay daddy?
Diggy-Yeah I'm good. Bedtime though guys. *Picks both kids up and walk them out of the room*
YN-I'll be right back Angela! *Kiss her cheek and hop in the shower*
Diggy-Hey baby. He says licking his lips as you walk out with your wet body wrapped In a towel.
YN-What's up cranky? You tired Dan?
YN-*Pick up Angela* Hey mama's.
Diggy-Baby I - I have to tell you something.
YN-*Laughing at Angela* Haha yes Daniel?
Diggy-*Grabs your hand* I have to go on tour for 5 months baby.
YN-*Jaw drops and cover your mouth with your hand*

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