∆ NINE ∆

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The woman kept me in the kitchen while Hershel, Rick and Shane were in the room where Daryl was getting attended to.

I continued slicing carrots and I couldn't help myself as I looked down the hall , waiting for someone to walk out and tell me something.

I suddenly felt sharp pain and looked down at my finger which was no bleeding all over.

"Oh dear"Carol said as she grabbed a towel and put it over my hand.

"I just need a needle and some stitching thread....I got my bachelor's in medical school" I said.

Patricia looked at the cut and pointed down the hall "all the medical supplies for this are in with Hershel"

My eyes lit up and I nodded my head "Thank you" I said, turning and walking down the hallway quickly, feeling eyes on me from the woman in the kitchen.

I turned into the room where Daryl was and stopped in the doorway, looking at him before me.

He was covered in mud and dirt and blood and his head had a bandage around it. Hershel was stitching at his side and they talked about what they found.

All eyes were on me now as I stood there anxious at what I saw. All I wanted to do was help.

"I just uh....I cut my finger" I said softly as I averted my gaze to my hand.

Hershel looked at my hand and turned his eyes back to Daryl "I'll be done in a moment" he said with a aggravated tone

"Oh no ...I mean I need a needle and some stitching thread....I have a bachelor's in medical....I can do it myself" I said.

Hershel paused and looked back at me. This seemed to draw the attention to everyone in the room and I looked up, meeting the impressed gazes.

Hershel chuckled "Then you should be the one doing this....I'm a veterinarian, not a nurse or doctor" he said "do you mind taking over?"

I shook my head "let me handle this and yeah, gladly" I said, blushing at the realization of my words. Rick smirked slightly but averted his gaze to the ground and Shane clenched his jaw before getting up and walking out, shoulder checking me again, but it seemed to slip everyone's notice.

I grabbed some supplies and sat where Shane was sitting previously. I stayed quiet while Hershel started wiping down Daryl's back. Daryl and Rick went over the things Daryl discovered on his search and I slowly stitched at my finger once I poured alchohal over it.

Pain didn't seem to effect me much, it never did, least not physically.

I looked up at Daryl for a moment. He was fully concious and talking well, I was just so damn glad he was okay. I was terrified before.

I finished stitching my finger and slipped some gauze and around it , followed by a medical bandage. I stood up and Hershel moved out of my way, allowing me to sit on the edge of the bed.

I took the needle and gently placed my hand on Daryl's side, causing him to flinch slightly.

"I'll be gentle" I said softly.

"I ain't no pussy" he said gruffly without looking over at me.

"I never said you were" I said, placing my eyes back on the wound, taking the needle and easing it into his skin, creating another loop.

Rick stood up and walked past, putting a hand on my shoulder "Looks like your our doctor now" he said, smiling slightly before walking out.

It was just Daryl and I now, alone in the room.

I continued doing my stitching and was nearing finishing up when I sighed softly "You should've woke me up, I could've gone with you, I could've helped"

"You'd have ended up in the same damn situation I did" he said roughly "not like you'd have been much else, you'd probably been killed by the fall, or the walkers since ya cant hardly do shit" he stated.

I felt the stabbing pain in my chest at his words, and furrowed my brow slightly "just the other day you said I'd do really well-"

"Quit actin like ya could've changed a damn thing, your just a girl and you'll get yourself killed being so damn stupid!" He exclaimed.

I sat back and stared at him with my mouth agape. Why was he suddenly being so harsh? Or was he just being honest and not holding back how he felt anymore?

I sucked in a deep breath and quickly stuck the needle through his skin one last time, tying  it off and pouring the alchohal over it so it'd hurt like hell.

"Hey!" He yelled.

I stood up and came to the door of the bed "If that's how you feel, maybe you should've just let me die on the highway, probably would've been best for everyone had I died when my sister turned" I said.

I threw down my towel and barged out the door, nearly running into Carol as she carried a plate of food for Daryl.

At this point, my eyes swelled with tears.

"Honey whats-"

"Nothing!" I exclaimed, hurriedly walking for the door as I threw it open, rushing out into the night air.

I picked up a jog and was headed for my tent when I felt sudden arms grab me from behind.

A strong hand held my wrists together while the other covered my mouth and threw me onto the ground, hitting my eye off a tree root. The wind was knocked right out of me and I felt the panic rising in my chest.


He got ontop of me from behind and started pulling at my pants.

I struggled to breathe and I gasped for air as he held my head down "No no, no , Shane please, please, I'll do whatever you want, i-"

"This is what I want" he mumbled in my ear, I could feel his hot breath against my neck and it was the most unpleasant feeling I had ever felt before.

I cried out as I tried crawling away, but he kept his legs on mine, pinning me down.

I had to do something.

I felt around on the ground for something, anything! Even a small rock . And a small rock I found. I grabbed the stone in my hand and threw my arm back, hitting him right in the temple with it. Not hard enough to damage him, but enough to stun him.

I scrambled to my feet and pulled my knife from my boot, coming up to him and holding it to his throat from behind "Come near me again and I'll cut you like a pig and watch you bleed all over this fucking camp....DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" i exclaimed.

He said nothing as he nodded his head and I pushed him back down as I took off again, running for my tent.

I dove inside, zipping it shut and riffling around in my bed for my gun, finding it, and turning the safety off. If he came for me again, I'd blow his head off.

I sucked in a breath and kicked my shoes off, letting the tears slide down my face as I cried, zipping up the entire tent up, so no one outside could see me at all.

I curled up in my bed and covered my face with my arms, crying my eyes out. Letting the pain out. Everything . The lose of the life I knew before.


Hello lovelies, thank you for reading! I know it's been awhile, but things in life have been hectic and I had to take a small break from Wattpad for awhile.

But I am happy to inform you that I am back! And plan to keep updating as much as I can.

Please let me know what y'all think, your feedback means the world to me.

Thanks guys ❤️

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