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Stephen woke up. His head felt heavy. He decided to eat some fruit salt to manage it. But he suddenly realized that he wasn't in his own home. It was a way more bigger and luxurious room. And he was sleeping there on it's four poster bed. He found himself completely nude sleeping. "I..j..just..got..fucked..by.. someone". He found his clothes and put them back on. He walked towards the hall and saw Tony standing there applying mayonnaise on his toasted bread. Tony smiled at him. "You're awake". "No I'm still sleeping". Tony laughed. "Sit here and have breakfast with me". "No thanks I'm leaving. I just came to say that I don't remember what happened between us last night but I think I had fun last night. What I exactly want say is please don't keep any expectation after this. This doesn't mean I didn't had fun last night but really please don't keep any expectation becau-". "Nothing happened between us last night" Tony interrupted. "WHAT?". "Yeah I don't take advantage of drunk people". "Hmm you're not going to get me while I'm in my senses. Hmm as much as I think you look like a virgin by your face and look like a divorced Man by your body".


Tony stood at Thor's party sipping his whiskey. He saw that both Thor and Bruce were looking very happy unlike last night where Bruce was ready to kill Thor. "Both are very happy right?". Tony looked at his side. It was Stephen. "Happy? If yesterday the matter would not have got solved then it could have been Thor's funeral". "I was the one who saved thier marriage. You were sitting there like a hypocrite friend." "You don't know what true love is. You keep sleeping with anyone possible". "Oh so mister love hermit tell me does love strikes just by sleeping with anyone one time?". "No but sometimes it strikes by not sleeping with anyone". Stephen smirked. "You're hitting me. But as I said earlier you're not going to get me when I'm in my senses". He grabbed and drank Tony's whiskey. After he left Tony brought the glass to his lips and realized it was empty. He smiled to himself. The whole party Stephen tried to catch Tony's attention by winking at him, blowing him a kiss etc. But much to his disappointment Tony kept on continuously ignoring him. Now Stephen was burning with anger. He called his friends and asked them to bring his song book and guitar with them. He decided to perform. He stepped on the stage and got everyone's attention.

Being intoxicated I keep dancing all night long
I keep on drinking non stop I never let go

Being intoxicated I keep drinking all night long
I keep on drinking non stop I never let go

My heart is stubborn
Holds my hands now

Whiskey has intoxicated me
I'm glowing pink

The guys are saying I'm a big drunkard
The guys are saying I'm a big drunkard
The guys are saying I'm a big drunkard
The guys are saying I'm a big drunkard

Your feet don't stop any place your eyes are revolving round and round

Not just one you drink two shots together

Your feet don't stop any place your eyes are revolving around and round

Not just one you drink two shots together

You keep on opening bottles of whiskey
After drinking you keep on dancing like a snake

Hey hey hey hey

If I get an alcohol that has Indian flavor in it
Then the shake of my waist would cause tremors

Hey hey hey hey

They bowed respectfully and everyone clapped. Stephen winked at Tony who raised his glass at him.

Ironstrange- give me my love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now