💕Your girl💕

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"Come have your lunch" Stephen called Tony. Tony came and sat on the chair. He took a look at the food and stood up. "What happened?". "I don't eat lentils." "Who doesn't eat lentils?". "Yes, everyone does. I'm a legend". "Shut up I've made the lentils". Tony went near the fridge. Stephen got frustrated and stuffed some lentil and rice inside his mouth. Tony was checking on him. Stephen made a face like he was about to puke and took the lentils out of his mouth with a piece of tissue. Tony smirked. "Hmmm so found anything?" Stephen asked. "No but you don't worry. You have your tasty lentils I will manage". "I'm not as mean as you. Come let's go to a restaurant. I'm sacrificing my hand made lentils for you".


"Yellow-fresh lentils with mint touch. What nonsense. You thought you'll bring me to this expensive hotel I will surrender to you huh". "No I didn't think so. You take me to your favorite place". "You'll not be able to handle it". "Don't worry cookie". "Ok then let's go".


Tony and Stephen were stepping out of the hotel when a few men surrounded them. "Hey man give me your watch" one of them asked. "Listen guys I don't want you to fall in any trouble". All of them laughed. "BACK OFF BITCHES. OR ELSE HE WILL KICH YOUR ASSES" Stephen shouted. "Your watch". Tony took off his watch and handed it over to the man. Stephen was devastated. "Money". Tony took out his wallet and handed over the money to them. "SERIOUSLY!!!! Why are you donating your stuff? If they will ask for me are you going to give me also??!!!". "What about him?" The man said and was about to touch Stephen when Tony held his hand. Stephen looked at Tony and smiled widely. Tony punched the man. "This is for daring to touch my girl". Some other men came to him who were easily washed off. Tony walked away asking Stephen to bring his watch and money. Stephen happily collected them with kicking the men on thier crotch as bonus.


"So where's my money?". "What money?". "Haw common give my money" Stephen said climbing on Tony and snatching some notes. "Steve used to do the same when we were newly married". Stephen felt very very bad for him. Tony handed over all the notes to Stephen and went to his bedroom. Stephen sat there silently. Tony was about to climb on the bed when Stephen ran and jumped on him. Making him fall on the bed. They kissed. Stephen took his shirt off along with Tony's. It was the best sex he had in his life.

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