❤️love in the air ❤️

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"It seems like you hibernate in your home throughout the year" Stephen said. "What makes you think that?". "You never go out of your house". "There is nothing to see outside". "Hmm you're really aging. Anyway I'll take you to some of my favorite places today. Where are you going now?". "To the boxing club". "REALLY". "Everything is exiting for you 22 year olds". "At least I'm not aging like a crap". Tony laughed. "You want see some of my punches?". "I can't deny to the old man".


Stephen was quite impressed to see the boxing club. "Hmmm these muscle men really show mercy on you" he said teasing. "You'll see my power today". "Old people say that hobbies should be adapted by checking the age". Tony smiled and went inside the changing room. He took off his shirt. He checked his muscles, winked at himself in the mirror and popped his pecs. He came out and stood in the ring and winked at Stephen. "Wow" Stephen exclaimed.


Tony and Stephen sat on the chairs of Stephen's favorite cafe. "So, how is your family doing?". "I don't know it's been 10 years since I last saw them". "WHAT!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS. DON'T YOU FEEL LIKE SEEING THEM?". "Yeah sometimes I feel like seeing Steve and the kids. But I never gather up courage. Stephen felt a little bad of him. "Forget your sorrows and have a drink".

Ironstrange- give me my love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant