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Tony entered the house with Steve and Stephen. Harley was screaming with anger there. "JUST SEND HIM BACK. THERE COMING HERE DAY AFTER TOMORROW". "Who's coming and what's going on?" Tony asked. "Harley's girlfriend and his mother are coming here to talk about there wedding". Steve answered. "WHAT?! Harley is getting married and you didn't even informed me?". "Not getting married the girl is coming over with her mother to talk about there relationship". "And if we've informed what could you have done?" Howard asked. "Did you even thought to call on the wedding day or that too-". "ASK HIM TO GO BACK. I've told them my father is no more" Harley said. "WHAT!!! not even separated directly-" "He means you're not his father anymore" Howard said. "I don't know I'm going to meet them as your father only" Tony said. Just then a man with long, brown hair entered the hall. "So, how are everyone?" he asked. "Oh so you're going to play the victim in front of others" Harley said looking at Stephen. "Ugh.... I'll wait outside." Stephen said going out. Tony felt bad for him. The long haired man went near Steve and handed him a basket of lychees. "These are fresh. From my garden". He said. "Tony this is Bucky our neighbor" Steve said. "And Bucky this is Tony Harley and Peter's father". "I see I see. So, what do you do?". "Well I'm solving an important family matter now". Tony said. "He's asking about your profession. Don't be shy tell him." Howard mocked. "I'm in a financial business". "Oh great even I do finance. I'm investing some in stock market". "It is not that sort of thing". Tony said. "He needs to go" Harley repeated. "We're discussing a family matter. Excuse us" Tony asked Bucky. "James Uncle isn't outsider" Harley said. "Well Bucky you know tomorrow Rachel and her mother and coming so....". Steve explained. "Oh I get it now. Since you and Mr. Stark are not together anymore why don't you introduce him as your brother?". Bucky suggested.

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