Cinderella Man

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As Jaycen stood being held tightly by his past, he was desperately trying to hold on to his future. Here stood Tyree Sinclair in all of his glory, as Aubrey was headed over to "talk" about a future that he may not ever get to have. Jaycen pulled back and looked at Tyree, who was impeccably dressed in a white dress shirt, black slacks and dress shoes. He smelled like baby powder and his lips looked liked they needed to be sucked on. It took everything in Jaycen not to fall down on his knees and devour the former football player right there.

"Tyree, this is such a surprise. How'd you know I was in town?"

"He didn't tell you?"


"Your son, Avis. I am his English IV teacher. I thought he would have told you by now," Tyree said as he stared at Jaycen.

"Nah, he didn't. And, I would love to catch up, but I have some business to attend to. Could we do this another time?"

"I came all this way to see you and you are asking me to leave?"

"I... I have plans, Tyree. Please... don't read to much into it. I do wanna catch up with you, but I..."

Jaycen didn't get a chance to finish his statement, when his bedroom door opened and Aubrey walked nonchalantly in wearing a baby blue dress shirt, brown khaki slacks and dress shoes. His McGraw cologne filled the room as he suavely entered. Jaycen stepped quickly away from Tyree to walk over towards Aubrey as he approached them. Aubrey leaned forward to kiss Jaycen, but he turned his head. Aubrey stared at him and then walked around him towards Tyree.

"Hello, I'm Aubrey. And, you are?"

Tyree looked at Jaycen and then back at Aubrey. "Uh, I'm Tyree. Are you a friend of Jaycen's?"

Jaycen walked over and stood beside Aubrey facing Tyree.

"Tyree, can you please just leave? I will call you and we can find a time to talk then."

"Wait a minute, Jay. Why are you rushing your friend off? I don't have a problem with him being here. He's more than welcome to stay," Aubrey said in a cocky tone that surprisingly angered Jaycen and turned him on all at the same time.

"Jaycen, I didn't mean to come and interrupt your life. If you want me to go, I can go," Tyree said as he looked at Jaycen with disappointment in his eyes.

"Um, you don't have to go, Tyree. It's just Aubrey and I have some very important things to discuss. I don't think he's being himself right now."

"I am being myself. I am being your man. Isn't that who I am?"

Aubrey asked as he winked at Jaycen and then looked confidently at Tyree, who now seemed more irritated than disappointed.

"This BOY is your lover, Jaycen?"

"Tyree, that is none of your business, quite frankly. And, Aubrey shouldn't be saying things like that to someone he barely even knows."

"I know who he is, Jaycen. He's your boy from high school. He's the one who left you to play pro football and never thought another thing of you. Am I getting this all right?"

Jaycen stared at Aubrey for a moment as he remembered their conversation in bed about Tyree. He told Aubrey all about the star football player who loved and left him for his career and the prospect of the model wife, huge house and 2.5 kids. And, now that same man was standing in his bedroom having a battle of the wills with the young man who seemed to have appointed himself his knight in shining armor.

Jaycen sighed deeply as he turned his attention back to the task at hand. He had to get rid of Tyree before this all totally got out of hand.

"Look, Tyree, Aubrey... is my... he's not my lover. But, he and I are together," Jaycen said cutting his eyes at Aubrey and then back at Tyree. "And, yes, I told him all about you."

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